Anyone noticing an unusually poor November egg production?

My FBCM and my Welsummers have not laid an egg since Sept but the rest of my girls are doing "ok". I am getting about 40 a day out of 60 laying hens. My bantams haven't been laying well at all either.
I guess I am having a great first timer chicken owner experience. I live in Alaska where it is 20 degrees right now and only 7 hours of daylight and I am getting 11/13 everyday. yippee
I was thinking the same thing! All my small breed hens have stopped laying...frizzles & silkes
Luckily I own EEs, I have 11 EE hens and I am getting a few eggs a day from them! At least I have a easy winter compaired to most of you guys cause I am in Florida!
I have 6 hens and got ZERO today but 2 hens are laying pulling their weight. The other 4 ( 1 yr old) look like they are done moulting but no eggs yet. How long before they start up again? Will this happen every year? It's frustrating not egtting eggs!
For the two weeks prior to this past weekend, the girls were batting 1 for 14. Made some coop changes, instituted light therapy, and am now up to a solid 2 eggs/per day on Wednesday. Lot's of orders to fill here, too.
11 hens, 3 eggs daily. 8 hens are in hard molt or finishing molt. The 3 that are laying daily are my 1 black star and 2 red stars. My black star is the oldest, almost 6 years old.
19 hens, 0 eggs. Last year they laid right through the winter, we were amazed. This year sucks so far. We just sent 2 roosters to freezer camp, hopefully it will increase egg production.
We started with 4 chicks a year and half ago.....laying well when reaching chicken "puberty" (no roosters here).

September was moulting month and we had a significantly lower production( 1 to none most days), as well as one *homicidal hen* who killed one of her litter mates.......uffda!

We blunted the beaks on the bully and her bully friend, and that helped a lot!
(Used the Pedipaws dog nail trimmer, and trimmed about 1/8" off the beaks).

This month we're getting 1 - 2 eggs a day from our 3, so I guess that's on par and a good thing???

BTW Alan Hagan, we miss you a lot here and there!
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