Anyone on broodie overload?

Is it normal for sitting hens to trade out or help each other set? I have a game hen that is sitting on everyones eggs and when she gets out to eat and drink another game hen takes her place until she gets back. I just wanderd if this is what they normally do.
They are probably just laying more eggs in the nest. I have 2 that are sharing a nest but that's only because one decided to go broody on the same nest and won't give up.
2 of my bantam hens appear to be broody they haven't laid any eggs in 2 days and they are both sitting in the corner next to each other like dont bother me.

can i give them some reg size eggs to hatch or do i have to give them bantam eggs. was curious
My bantam hen is sitting on 4 regular sized eggs right now and doing just fine. I heard of others putting more than that with bantams.
You could give them an emu egg if you wanted to, they don't care what kind of egg they hatch. The only problem with bigger eggs is they can't cover as many.
I had 5 Orpingtons broody and 2 Columbian Wyandottes, this morning I discovered my Bantam EE and her daughter (ee/Silkie mix) are both sitting on eggs and this afternoon my Partridge Cochin has gone broody......
The only ones that are not broody are my 2 best broodies, they are mixed hens and sisters
I bet they go broody now
I've run out of 'preferred' nests so I don't know where the girls are going to lay now. Guess they'll have to use the nests they never even look at...unless I can move some broodies to those??

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