Anyone on broodie overload?


11 Years
Jun 26, 2008
I currently have no less than 8 broodie hens on eggs in my barn, here is a photo of five of them

Yes, there are five broodies in that one photo, lol, all my horse feed buckets are getting used up!
Plus, I have a bunch of Orloff eggs in my incubator, almost day 18 on them.
Anyone else about to be over run with chicks?
Currently I have 2 rouen duck broodies, 1 pekin duck broody, 1 runner duck broody, 1 embden goose broody, 2 bantam cochin broodies, 5 OEGB broodies, 1 LF mixed hen broody, 1 OEG broody, and 1 Serama broody. I also have 2 OEG with chicks. I'm also missing a guinea hen so I suspect her of hiding out on a nest somewhere. It seems like I'm 'losing' at least 1 hen a day now. Also, several of my OEG are hiding their nests in the woods/weeds somewhere so if any of those come up missing I can expect to have them come home with chicklets
Yeah, I have some running off and making nests in the bushes, but I can't seem to find them. I have a new broodie in the barn so now up to 9. All but one of my Mille Fleur Bantam Cochin hens are broodie. No ducks or anything else here, but maybe soon.
Cute! And frightening......

Are you familiar with BYC user sourland? Or Gritsar? Sourland's broody GPS broke a while back and he is now doing his broody dance disco thing all over the forum!
3 with (7, 7, 4) chicks, 3 broody Silkies, 1 broody Bantam cochin, 5 broody LF, with 2 more LF that may be broody, but, not quite sure, yet.

Broodies, broodies everywhere and not an egg to eat!

I think that's an adorable photo of the hens in the buckets. <*giggling*> I had two blue Orpington hens go broody in the same, large, covered kitty litter box, and yesterday, my BO joined them. I don't know HOW those ladies are justifying "brooding" when there is a hen laying on top of the two on the bottom. That box is jam packed full of hens!

And there are two hens in a small coop I usually use for quarantine/isolation or grow out purposes. Both broody. They, at least, can sit next to each other! Then there's a 7th hen broody in a nest box. There's Angel, who is now raising 6 chicks, tootling around the yard with them.
They actually hop in to feeder buckets?? Really? That is hilarious!
What are the ropes attached to the handles for? So the don't tip over? Or are they hoisted up at night?

Good luck!

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