Anyone ready to ring in the new year...and lose weight/get fit?


12 Years
Nov 21, 2007
2010 is about to come to a close, and 2011 is almost here. A perfect time to start fresh! It seems like just last week that I went on a diet at the start of 2010. It lasted a few weeks. I went from 148# to about 138-140#. I have kept most of it off, and weigh about #142 right now. I'm a young woman, and I'm about 5' 5'' tall. I would love to lose a little weight and get down to about 125-130#. I've got to finish eating up these delicious Christmas treats, but I'm going to start my diet on the 1st of January.

Who's with me?!
ok.....I'm in....but I have to warn you....I need supervision....DH is a great cook and I'm a great eater!

I'll try though....and set my goal to lose 20 lbs by the 1st of June.
I'd like to drop 20 lbs. I'm 5 ' 10" so my weight gain isn't as noticeable, but I'd feel better. Honestly, all I'd have to do is knock off the coffee creamer and I could lose the weight....but then, coffee would taste so

I'm in.
I have agreed to be a diet partner with the cancer support thread chicks. We decided to start on the 2nd. And of course on Christmas eve our house got buried in treats from friends and neighbors... so i will have more to lose than you all. I am at 150 and need to get to 128-132 ish. (I won't even look to see what I have gained in the week before diet day.)
I figure the more support (nagging) I get, the better I will be. If you two don't mind an extra, I will be glad to watch my intake with you.
I hope to walk more and ''Wii Wii Wii all the way down.''
I'm in. I only need to lose about 10 but I REALLY need to get off my fluffy butt and exercise. I'm into fitness but had dropped out due to hip bursitis. It's better now but I've been being lazy.
I am already eating gluten and dairy free, due to celiac disease.

My plan in the new year is to go totally processed foods free. Anyone that doesn't understand that should read 'The Omnivores Dilemma'.

I'm narrowing down my choices for ordering grass fed meat and intend on having a large garden come spring.

I need to lose weight, but I'm more interested in trying to stop putting corn (in its many forms) in my body.
Hey I'm in I'm 5/10 and weigh 180 ish, would like to get to 140

So how are we doing this everyone? I think I will quit drinking coffee, to replace with green tee, straight up, Will buy some tomorow at the local asian store in town
I have been thinking about the 'how' too.
I agree with debiraymond that diets do not work, but life changes need to be made.
I think as we find things that are working for us, we should post them.

None of us seem to be overly over weight, just uncomfortably so.
More exercise and reporting into each other for ''tut-tuts'' and ''way to go's'' is probably the best.

I was going to try the apple cider vinegar each day to see how that helped hunger cravings, but the hernia did not like it a single bit.
A friend of mine switched from regular granulated sugar to "Truvia" in her morning coffee.
I've tried it and it doesn't taste too "sickening sweet"

She claims she's lost some belly fat...BUT....I've glanced through some articles about side effects and think I'll pass.

Has anyone else tried this?
Get agave, it's the BEST sugar replacement ever. You only need a little and it tastes soooo good.

I'm getting back into competitions and fighting this year. My husband is a fighter so he's been training me a little, but I want to get into the pro circuit, which I've applied for! Now this is going to be hardcore....owwie....

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