Anyone ready to ring in the new year...and lose weight/get fit?

Glad your still there!!!!!!!!

Danny in full time rest-bite will not be an easy thing to achive. There are not many placements. First of all I am going to get him into part time care - in a unit outside of the home. This will take at least 9 months to achieve apparently accordoing to Social service care here! So I better get started. It will be for a few nights a month and maybe a block of about 1 or two weeks but better than nothing and will start the mindset of perminant care amongst other family mambers. DH feels bad about it and giulty and that he will be letting Danny down especially since there have been a lot of bad things going on in the care units here. It is hard but then DH sometimes doesn;t see things. He wanted to take Dan on a plane - had to talk him into thinking about what ifs and Dans behaviour getting out of hand isn;t fun at 35'00 feet with other passenger safety to consider. I know he feels bad about going away when Danny can;t but that is life for Danny. There are limitations and others have to grasp that. I hope over time that will happen but it will be a slow process. It is best all round really. Although the kids are well meaning and said they would never let him go into full time care actually looking after him is really hard which our daughter had to agree on that this time as she had him for the whole time and she was quite exhausted when we got back. I think our Son and his partner would be the same way as they have no notion of the increased care needs and the impact it has on our life and feedom to go out and do things and basically have time for us. - Its a hard call.

- I wont take on board negative comments about putting Dan in full time care. Folk who say those things usually don;t understand and have never had to look after someone full time like we've had to. It's like folk who are against Abortion of very handicapped babies ( Which I persoanally am) but then the folk who don;t like it - are usually not the onse who will be left changing nappies for 30/40 years are they? So no one can really judge someone else for that? My thinking changed a lot over the years and things tend not to be so black and white anymore just shades of grey! The trouble is there are not the recourses for the disabled here. We can do all we can to help them survive when they are born but little support and help is available for families after that. The bigger problem is when they lose the cuteness of chilhood and become difficult adults - then no one wants them at all. Mum and Dad sadly then are usually abandoned altogether.

Better go DH wants me. - Glad we are still going I missed you all!!!

WOW oesdog, we have waiting lists for care here too, especially specialized like you need, but nothing like that!!! At least the ball is rolling, it may take a while to get there, but your moving forward that is a good thing.

I have a big yard work day planned, mostly mowing, harvesting the garden, maybe if I have the time and energy (doubtful on both) start on a few new beds for spring. As long as I get the mowing and harvesting done I'll be happy about that.

I picked wild onions the other day and dehydrated it now I have "chives" enough for this winter until the spring onions come out. Just need to crush and put them in bottles.

Hope everyone's day is good.
I'm below 134, down from 150. I'm doing 30 minutes of elliptical when i can, at least 3 times a week and i just bought a used bowflex. I'm getting excited.
And did i mention I caught a bit of True Lies for the first time, the part where jamie is doing the dancing thing? WOW. She is in shape for that movie. Wonder how old she was in that movie? She is an inspiration.
I'm below 134, down from 150. I'm doing 30 minutes of elliptical when i can, at least 3 times a week and i just bought a used bowflex. I'm getting excited.
And did i mention I caught a bit of True Lies for the first time, the part where jamie is doing the dancing thing? WOW. She is in shape for that movie. Wonder how old she was in that movie? She is an inspiration.

Gosh if I were to compair myself to all those young things on films who get flung in the air I would feel like a right old heffer! STOP IT NOW!!!!!!!
before I turn into a FAT HEFFER!

Ok show off you lost weight well done!! Your a STAR

I guess I am still a FAT CHICK

Well done

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Thanks annaraven - what can I say I am just Born this way!

Anyhow good everyone is getting back on track - group hug theropy!

Ok some of us need a bigger group hug than others!!!!!! Of course heather only needs an iddy biddy tiny hug!!!!!!! Cause she is so darn small!!!!!!!

The rest of us probably need a somewhat larger one

Better go as I have the baby in the morning -

So I will need to go start counting sheep!

to you all

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