Anyone thinking of creating a Chicken Guillotine

what if you hit a bone and the head dosent come off?...thats what i am afraid of....i dont want them to suffer...what about the broom stick method?..
..whats the best way??..for chickens AND quail?...
what if you hit a bone and the head dosent come off?... I have never had that problem a real sharp filet knife will have no problem cutting it off and it want work on a turkey neck it to tough.
So it is the year 2013, has anyone figured out what they used with success? What ever happened to the grabbing of the neck of the bird and swinging and snapping the kneck of the bird? Then cutting the head off?
I have found what works best for me is a 3 foot long section of hedge, or Osage Orange, and hit the head of the chicken right where the head meets the neck. The stick is about 3/4 of an imch in diameter and I have never failed to knock the chicken dead. Then I slit the throat to bleed it out. I was having problems with compound fractures of the wing joints when I cut the heads off the cornish x's I slaughtered. Might have been because the chickens were twelve weeks old when I butchered them, but I began using the stick and have used it succesfully hundreds of times. Just put out some feed and the birds wander and eat and dont even know what hit them, literally. I just cant stand them flapping and doing the "kickin chicken" as we called it in the Army. Reminds me too much of bigger mammals I have seen die. Just my 2cents.
So it is the year 2013, has anyone figured out what they used with success? What ever happened to the grabbing of the neck of the bird and swinging and snapping the kneck of the bird? Then cutting the head off?

I've tried that a number of times to euthanize sick hens. I've found it doesn't work all that great. If I need to to euthanize one I usually put its head underneath a broomstick held in place with my feet and pull on the legs to dislocate the neck.

If I'm butchering, my preferred method is to use a kill cone and a sharp knife to cut the jugular vein.
I have a mean rooster. He attacks everyone - my kids, my hubby, me....and now is is attacking our neighbors. He even has flown up and "flogged" my brother in the back of his head (and his wings are even cut!)

I can't with good conscience give him away. So my husband said he would cull him. However, even though he is mean, I still love him. I have looked into the best way to cull him (fast) and with as little pain as possible. I am not confident in the axe method because of potential user error - (a few bad youtube videos have tormented me.) So my son and my brother built a guillotine thinking that would be the "surest" method. However, when testing it on a green branch, it worked like a charm on a small one, but testing on a stick that was the size of what the neck looks like (with feathers) it only cut 3/4 of the way through. Granted the stick was green and probably bigger than the actual neck - but I just can't stand the thought of it not going completely through severing the head immediately.....So, the topic of ether being painless has gotten me interested. If I were to use ether to put him to sleep and then cut his head off, would we still be able to cook it?

It may be best to start a new thread?
Lmao!! I know this was meant to be serious but oh my gosh at some of the visuals:) Gasing a chicken- well okay but Nazi gas chambers immediately come to mind. Guillotine? Well okay but what if the chicken moves its head out of the way 3 or 4 times in a row? Then you just made a cartoon. I've killed a mean roo with a shovel handle- nope, he sure didn't know what hit him when he flew but he also got back up fighting mad again! On a serious note everyone finds a way that works best for them and their chickens- I just hope no one minds having a laugh at descriptions every now and then! Good luck to all having to get the job done.
Mom used a broomstick and pulled the head off. I use a cone and knife. No need to make it more complicated than necessary. If you have not used a cone, it helps contain the chicken, and allows you to be more precise with the knife. well worth making or buying.

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