Anyone use a Brinsea EcoGlow in a barn or outside building?


8 Years
Apr 25, 2011
Wimberley, Texas
Anyone use a Brinsea EcoGlow 20 in a barn or enclosed outside building? Instructions say room temperature needs to be above 50 degrees...but I would like my chicks outside, not in my living room. Chicks are 1 week and another set just hatched (which can stay in the house for their first week, but then, out they go). We are in Central Texas, so it is not cold, but does vary from 30-40-50 at night this time of year. They will be in a totally safe enclosed barn workroom, that may get below 50. I LOVE the EcoGlow and really want to use it, hate the worry of the red heat lamp...Thanks!
I have mine outside in a garden shed with the EcoGlow. When our temps go down below 40 at night, I usually add a heat lamp in addition to the EcoGlow since mine are only 2 weeks old.

Just watch them after you move them (after they've settled in for a couple of hours). If they appear to huddle and not go out to eat/drink, then it's too cold.

I'm hoping to resurrect this thread because I am about to brood two groups with an EcoGlow, one of poults and one of chicks. The brooders are dog crates in the coop, wrapped with fleece to keep heat in and hens out. My poults arrive Friday, so I can run a few tests overnight to see if I need to add a heat lamp.

Oh, who am I kidding? I need to add a heat lamp.

I use mine in a barn, but only if it's 50ish in the barn. If it's colder and the chicks aren't feathered, I have them with the ecoglow in the house. If I can help it, I'd prefer to never ever use a heat lamp again so I put up with the dust. :p
I just finished my first try with the Ecoglow. Brooded 8 chicks from day 1 in a cage on my back porch. I think the lowest the outdoor temp got was around 45, and they were fine.

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