Anyone used Ivermectin without pre-treatment of wazine?


12 Years
Jun 4, 2009
Specifically the 5% pour on. I followed my vet's advice and just treated a 3 year old bantam hen with 3 drops on skin. It's been a couple years since she was wormed (with wazine only), and that's the only time she was ever wormed.

Her fecal was negative, but vet said the test isn't 100%, and best to treat her with the ivermectin. So I did, but now I'm second guessing. He advised to treat everyone, but I think I'll wait and give the rest of the flock Wazine first.

How long until I know if she's being poisoned by worm die-off? The negative fecal is encouraging, right?
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She should be fine. If the test was negative then at least you know she doesn't have a big load of worms, so there shouldn't be any problem.
Thanks galanie. That's what I was thinking too, it's been over 24 hours and she seems fine so far.
Did your vet tell you how long to pitch the eggs? I'm planning an ivermectin followup to Wazine the end of the week, and I have no idea how long it will be before we can eat the eggs. 14 days on the Wazine was a LONG time with no eggs.
It is the pour on for cattle, and I have been told 2 drops for banties and 4 drops for LF under the feathers behind the neck or under the wing. At least that is what I bought. I understand that the dosage can be critical -- overdose is fatal.
Sorry for the delay in replying. Yes I used the 5% pour on for cattle. Egg withdrawal is 10-14 days. Mine is a bantam and I used 3 drops (using a poly-vi-sol dropper) on the skin where her shoulders meet her neck. I think it's 4 or 5 drops for a regular size chicken. From what I've researched, it has a pretty large margin of error so it would take a very large overdose to cause harm. Not disputing Sharol's post, that's just what I found when I was researching. Always best to be on the safe side regardless.

Safeguard is supposed to be really good too, I don't have any experience with the paste but it sounds like you've already got a good plan for your hen using Wazine then Safeguard 2 weeks later.

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