Anyone want to join my blue egg laying Silkie project?

Still waiting on most of the pullets to start laying. But got some more silkie feathered ones and some hard feathered ones. Thinking that I might just hatch off of the silkied feathered ones this year or maybe next. These aren't high on my list to hatch from this year as I have other breeds I need to hatch from and limited room to raise chicks.
I have limited room for chicks also but i think i might get some white silkies and pair them with my small americauna roo and see what happens.
I used a true araucana rooster over silkies to start mine. I had an araucana rooster and no hen so I figured I'd make my silkies lay blue eggs. Of course I started this a few years ago.
Hey @ramirezframing, do you have some pictures of your blue or green eggs and the silkies themselves? I really would like to see how your project has come along. I hope to get some off of you in the near future!
Has anyone tried a Legbar/Silkie mix? I could get a Legbar cockerel pretty easily, pullets are possible but a little spendier. Just wondering if anyone's already tried this and how the offspring came out.
Hey @ramirezframing , do you have some pictures of your blue or green eggs and the silkies themselves? I really would like to see how your project has come along. I hope to get some off of you in the near future!
They aint laying right now and I haven't gotten off my rear to replace my broken camera yet. But they do lay blue eggs and most look like silkies. Some are still coming off rumpless or with lighter skin.

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