Anyone want to join my blue egg laying Silkie project?

blue and black would go nice together giving I believe blue and black and maybe splash(?) .

white covers up things and I barely know anything but heard that white should only be bred with white cause you dont know what color it is hiding.

I would be happy to send you a nice Araucana roo. hers a pic of one of them taken last week.

Being in texas though we would have to wait for a break in the heat wave and ship express, the good thing is I am right by the airport they use so my stuff that gets shipped is in transit less time.

PM me if you are interested.

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hey Sonoran
guess what those 2 silkies the partridge and gray are both boys

so is it true that there is nothing that white should be bred to? nothing at all? I hate that 2 of my roos are white
OH crud... so what happens when I breed my white Araucana with my white Silkies? We don't know what color they are actually?

I so confused!
No, the answer is "nobody knows until it is done" as for white x color breedings. It's just impossible to answer someone who asks this with exact answers as to what colors the babies will be is all. It is true though, the results could be "all over the place" as for colors/patterns.. Go ahead if you want to/have to do this.

OFF switch is very good description!

White to white... this also depends on what kind of white they have lol.. There are two kinds of main white genes. One is dominant white as found in white leghorns. This is the white that "throws a lot of white" in the crosses. The other kind of white is recessive white.. this kind of white if bred to a colored bird does not throw any white offspring. Silkies have this.

I don't know what white the white araucanas(or yours specifically) have but if it happens to be the recessive white then it bred with a silkie= 100% white offspring.
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With ONE specific white bird you can cross to another colour. If you hatch enough chicks you can begin to make predictions for the genes THAT white carries, but it will not be the same as a different white.

Finally found which hen that lays greenish eggs. She's a white. Of course, she's the "most pet quality" of them all..

For personal reasons, I have to reduce my flock of chickens and peafowl. As part of this, decided to either reduce the silkies/showgirls to a very few birds.. or even dispose of all. Would anybody in southern California(I'm in Sun City in Riverside County.. can arrange to meet somewhere if it works out well) be interested in adding this green egger hen to their Silkie program? Very sorry, but don't want to deal with shipping.. Even though this one is pet quality, she has Claude McAllister and George Mihalik birds in her ancestry(still have two white hens direct from Mihalik right now), so I suppose getting good type out of her shouldn't be too hard?

There are also a group of variously aged silkie and showgirl pullets and a few cockerels, mostly colored. These have the potential to be colored eggers, as about half of them came out of colored eggs.

If the hen or some of the pullets start laying while I still have them, will consider shipping or giving eggs locally.. however the rooster is not the best one(he is small though!), can't make promises about the quality of type coming out of the eggs. Just want to be honest.

Would be nice to see some of these birds to go off to someone who wants to work with them..
Okay, noticed a few working on blue egg laying silkies and at least one person that has actually made a blue egg laying silkie. Any one still working on this project? Any pictures to share? I have a few silkie EE myself, but none show silkie feathering. Mine simply lay green eggs. I'd love to see some pictures....

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