Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

Okay, I would like to get in on this weight loss plan.. I weighed in at 192 lbs last year at this time. Since then I had lost down to 144lbs as of November 2009. Then came Thanksgiving and Christmas , New Years etc. Now I have gained up to 160 lbs and would like to lose to at least 130lbs. I would like to eat only good made from scratch food so any good recipes any one could share would be greatly appreciated..

KimnKell your about my stats, or at least when I started- WELCOME!!!

Jewell nm, I figured it out and I am looking things over, thinking about ordering it!
Question for all you wii owners, are the games like a disc like a CD or are they different? Does anyone know if a Wii is one of the things netflix plays to? Just curious- if I could get my movies streamed onto it too that would be EVEN better! I could watch them while on my elliptical instead of trying to see and hear my tiny laptop!
Wii's have small discs like a GameCube I think. I don't own one but I know it plays GC games... Someone will chime in pretty fast with details hopefully.
Id love to get in on this if its not too late. I am 5'1", 21yo and around 175 (dont have a scale). I went from having a military body and 125lbs to 200lbs in 9months (gotta love pregnancy) I am no longer in the military anymore
and not longer have that body. I really want it back though, I just lack the motivation. I dont feel good about myself and since the baby have had TERRIBLE hormone problems. I need to do this for myself and my self-esteem! Its so good to know im not alone in this!!! Guess its time to break out the WiiFit thats been collecting dust and stop eating all these tasty southern fried foods!

Edit to add: Great job so far ladies!!!!!
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Is that with raw or processed dairy?

I have the lactose issues with processed cow dairy. My sister also sufferes from lactose intollerance and does not have a problem with raw goat dairy. I see no reason to pasturize my goat dairy when I get a goat so I won't. Hopefully I will have no issues because it is killing me not to have a few slices of cheese as a snack. The Storey's guide to goats gives a good run down on why the human body can handle goat products better than cow products. I just can't find it right now.
I hope I'm not too late to join in the conversation about goat milk! Cindiloohoo, after the goat has the kid do you have to separate them? Or, would there be enough for you to take a small amount and keep the baby? I would feel terrible taking the baby away.

Somewhat Topical: I went running last night for the first time in a month and a half. I can still run a mile nonstop. I worked so hard to be able to run that far, and then got lazy. I thought I would be back at the start... however I didn't have it in me to do a second mile after catching my breath, I was way too itchy. Does that happen to anyone else? I HATE it.
Wii's have small discs like a GameCube I think. I don't own one but I know it plays GC games... Someone will chime in pretty fast with details hopefully.

Wii has a large disc like a CD, and plays the small disc from GameCubes too. I'm not sure about the Netflix thing, but I own a Wii. I don't get it online or any of that. I'm not sure if it will play/stream onto the Wii as I have never tried it. That's the best I can I give you all the information I know!
LOL Tofu, are you fair skinned? I am. Very Irish. And it happens to me too when I get hot and sweaty. My arms and legs itch, sometimes even get bumps on them like heat hives. So yeah, you're not alone. :)
Jewell, decided to hold off. Even though ALL of the walmarts in our area are out of stock and they are out of stock on line, It's cheaper to get the Wii console and the Wii fit plus bundle at walmart by almost 100 withOUT shipping so DH wants me to wait until we can get it there. Bummer. But he does make a good point. With the extra money we could buy an extra controller, charger, AND game! And we don't need the styrofoam accessories :)
Plus, our dollar general had a cheap version of the wii when it first came out which we got and you cant buy games for it, but it came with the same 5 as the sports package and with the tennis and boxing, you can usually get your heart pounding pretty good, so since we have that for now I think we'll live until our Wally world has it again! I guess I just have to be patient
If a doe has twins, let her be until they wean. If she has a single and is producing nicely, you can get a quart a day or more with some does. I would never take a baby away. Bottle feeding! Share the milk instead. The baby needs the colostrum anyway, and first milk will have an off flavor..yuck! Give her about 2 weeks before milking and the colostrum should be out. I do seperate for a few hours a day just to give mom a break as well. It really depends on the doe and the breed what you can and can't do. I have brush/milk goats, that do not produce as muh as a pure milk goat would therefore I do not get as much milk as others that have purebred milk goats.

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