Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

Wii's have small discs like a GameCube I think. I don't own one but I know it plays GC games... Someone will chime in pretty fast with details hopefully.

Wii has a large disc like a CD, and plays the small disc from GameCubes too. I'm not sure about the Netflix thing, but I own a Wii. I don't get it online or any of that. I'm not sure if it will play/stream onto the Wii as I have never tried it. That's the best I can I give you all the information I know!

The best you can do is just fine! Thanks!
Wii's have small discs like a GameCube I think. I don't own one but I know it plays GC games... Someone will chime in pretty fast with details hopefully.

Wii has a large disc like a CD, and plays the small disc from GameCubes too. I'm not sure about the Netflix thing, but I own a Wii. I don't get it online or any of that. I'm not sure if it will play/stream onto the Wii as I have never tried it. That's the best I can I give you all the information I know!

Oh cool! Well that shows you how much I know lol.
Count me in this weight loss challenge...I wanna lose between 10 and15lbs..about 12 to be exact. I just started this past Wed. doing lots of crunches ect...trying to tone up the lower belly, butt, and thigh area.
Starting to watch my sugar intake..Switched from reg. Coke to Diet...and cutting back the snacks.
Here are my stats.
age-34 this thursday the 14th ugh...gettin on up there!

goal weight-125lbs
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~whitetailcountry~ :

Count me in this weight loss challenge...I wanna lose between 10 and15lbs..about 12 to be exact. I just started this past Wed. doing lots of crunches ect...trying to tone up the lower belly, butt, and thigh area.
Starting to watch my sugar intake..Switched from reg. Coke to Diet...and cutting back the snacks.
Here are my stats.

Come on in! Glad to have you!!​
I got my wii today!!

I just spent a lil over an hour on it... I learned that I was obese and that my Wii age was 46 LOL (I'm 27) I did my body test again after I worked out and my Body test show'd me at a wii age of 30 MUCH BETTER LOL
I did ok on my calories today around 1800 but sat and wed's are my higher calorie days. I see others have had some success!! COngrats!!!
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I can't weigh myself whenever I want because we don't have a scale, but I was able to weigh myself on my sisters the other day. I'd love to join in though.

230 lbs

Ideally, I'd like to lose about 35 lbs. My best friend and I were talking about it and I've set my goal to September. That way, if I reach it, I can reward myself with a gift from the Reptile Show!
199 lbs this morning.
I've lost 1 lb.
I started before Thanksgiving and I have lost 26 lbs, since.

I want to know how many lbs a person should lose weekly in a healthy way.
I won't try to do this so fast that I end up doing that yo yo style losing/gaining of weight.

I used to snack on food throughout the day when I was younger, I didn't have a problem with my weight, and I was very active.

Now, I work at McDonalds, and they give you one half hour break if you work over 4 hours, if they choose to.
Any other time, you need to be working, although you can ask for two 10 minute breaks - which I never do.
During the hours of "lock-down", no one is to be anywhere else, but their station - we are that busy.

Working this kind of job, there is no way I can fit in snacking every 2 hours.
There are days that I work full time, other days more like part time.

I don't excercise in front of people, never have liked doing that, but on pretty days, I will walk between halfway to/from work or the entire way to/from work.
Walking the full distance to/from work is a 45 minute walk for me.

I don't drive yet, I ride the Tarc (city bus), so just about anywhere I go locally, I walk most of the time.
I do walk at a good clip, even at work, and it really bugs me to be behind someone at work who is just walking so slow, it feels like you are walking with a baby just learning to walk.
A few of the isles in the working areas and front counter were made for really thin people, so two heavier people really can't get past each other.

How much weight should I be able to lose weekly in a healthy way, without going yo yo style?

For every one of us on board this mission - don't give this losing weight up.
We are on board together because it is a whole lot more fun together, than trying this on your own.
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They say between 1 and 2 pounds a week is healthy. I've been losing a bit slower than that- since Dec 9, I've lost 5 pounds (hit the 152 mark today!) but there have been times when I suddenly drop 2-3 pounds in a few days and I end up gaining it back bc I was either losing water weight or keeping myself from nutrients I needed. I'm not estatic with 5 pounds in a month but if it continues that way and it STAYS off, I'll be happy. As I was saying if I lose weight slowly though, it tends to not creep back up on the scale later.

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