Anyone with recent experience with shipped chicks from Cackle?


Life is good...
9 Years
May 16, 2014
I have a chick order from Cackle that shipped yesterday (Monday) and per the tracking won't be here until FRIDAY! šŸ˜§ By that time the chicks will surely be dead, if not close to it. I called the hatchery and they said we were both at the mercy of the USPS and that you could not trust the tracking. Most recent update just says "in transit arriving on time" with no specification on where the littles are in the system. I have not ordered from Cackle before. They have no option for express shipping, but apparently this makes no difference as I ordered chicks last Summer twice from McMurray and paid a small fortune for express shipping and it still took just under 3 days to get here.
I know the postal system is messed up right now, but I was under the impression that they do not take live animals on unless they can deliver them in a timely manner.
I know what to do once they get here. I have the Nutra Drench ready, but there is only so much Nutra Drench can do if the poor dears are beyond saving.
I guess I am hoping for some reassurance from folks out there that have recently ordered from Cackle, but I know I am grasping a bit at straws.šŸ˜ž
I have a chick order from Cackle that shipped yesterday (Monday) and per the tracking won't be here until FRIDAY!

I've seen quite a few threads in the past 12 months with that same worry, and MOST of the chicks arrived just fine (earlier than the predicted delivery day.)

I think the Post Office must have changed how their computer system estimates delivery dates :confused:
I've seen quite a few threads in the past 12 months with that same worry, and MOST of the chicks arrived just fine (earlier than the predicted delivery day.)

I think the Post Office must have changed how their computer system estimates delivery dates :confused:
Thank you! šŸ„° This helps me feel a little better. Of course I wonā€™t really feel better until theyā€™re actually here and safe! Keep telling myself I wonā€™t do chicks in the mail anymore and then here I am doing it again. Hope the little bantam Cochins make it!
Thank you! šŸ„° This helps me feel a little better. Of course I wonā€™t really feel better until theyā€™re actually here and safe! Keep telling myself I wonā€™t do chicks in the mail anymore and then here I am doing it again. Hope the little bantam Cochins make it!
I just put 21 more hatching eggs from my Bantam Cochins in the incubator today!

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