Anything you fill like talking about, come on let it out!!!

I have GOT to go clean up the house! DH is fixing the lawnmower, and he wants us to just hang out and relax on sundays, so this is my only chance to get it done. I go stir crazy trying to relax if I'm looking at a mess.

I am SO lucky I have the best hubby in the world!
goodness! I cant tell if this is bad news or good! I can definitely see where a week alone would be great!! Man, maybe I should break my foot... It would never work for me though. My kids are too young.
wanna know what i feel like talking about. the reason u misspelled feel and put fill but u know im messin with ya
I cant stand the direction of this nation, the blindness of its people, and the way we reapeatedly hand over more and more little chunks of our freedom with every new administration, and act like its a GOOD thing. I especially cannot STAND how no one in my generations understands what it is to be "United" states, not the nation of the federal government of America, and I also cannot stand how people think its a GOOD thing for the government to solve our every day issues. Its insanely alarming to me that now MOST americans are on the HLS threat list, and how no one seems to realize that its not just a neat plastic sticky label, it gives them the RIGHT to monitor your most personal and private things. like email and phone conversations. privacy is a right, not something you seek only because you're up to no good.

Thats what I'd like to get out.
You have to be patient with those suckers! It's not ready yet! I suggest putting a very warm compress on it a few times a day.

hehehe Let me know how it goes!

I think I killed it...either that or it's waitin to fester and resurface a bit later like Mt. St. Helens.

and when I said crook of my nose, I mean next to the middle part of my nose...not on the outside's always more sensitive right there on the edge of the inside.

on that note...when I'd wear my contacts and if I got dry eyes and didn't have any solution or drops on hand if I was out...I picked a nose hair and make my eyes get all teary.

I know what your thinkin..."I'd never do that."

Then when you're out and about and your eyes get all dry...your gonna look around and see if anyone is lookin when you reach up and pluck a nose hair and it's gonna kinda hurt but then you're eyes will get all teary and bring you relief...and you'll think, "I'll never admit to it that I did that."

But I'll know...oh, I'll know...

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