Anywhere around Nashville TN

Hi! I'm going to be visiting my sister in Nashville soon. I'd asked her to check around for anyone interested in my beautiful
buff orpington rooster.... I have six chicks 5.5 weeks old and I'm pretty sure my BO is a roo, which I can't have here. I'm guessing you want a flock, but if you need a most handsome young rooster.... I'll bring him to you.
I know! And I really really want to keep my buff orpington (the only one I have) + it will mess up my rainbow of flock color LOL! Maybe he'll keep quiet..... the other girls would miss him I think. He is always the first one to hop up on my lap, but I can already see roo traits--he pecks me to death for treats and is just definitely the leader. Guess he knows his job, even as a baby. But.... sadly, I'm not really supposed to have ANY chickens where I live, much less roosters. I am a closet bird keeper..... sssssssshhhhhhhhh! I do have a pretty large property, far from neighbors.

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