Apple Cider Vinegar- what does it do?


Jul 11, 2017
Hello fellow duck peeps!

My mum is a chicken person and she gives hers the Apple Cider Vinegar as someone told her it's good for them.

My ducks tried it and seemed to like it... But what does it do for them, is there a health benefit or is it just a tasty treat?

The only thing I know for certain that ACV does .. is help prevent algae growth in water. There's been lots of discussion on health benefits, reducing pasty butt, etc. That being said, I put 1 tablespoon per gallon of water in all of my waterers. I've never had an issue with it - tho I change out the water in them at minimum every other day when it's really hot. In cooler temps, I've had a 5 gallon waterer last 4-5 days and no issues.

For some perspective, I have 1 run, 1 pen, and 1 mini-coop/pen. Each run and pen has 2 5 gallon bucket nipple waterers, the mini-coop/pen has 1 of them, and I have another inside the main coop. I have 6 5 gallon watering stations for 23 chooks.
Yes they are poultry too. I have used unpasteurized ACV for years for my flock of chickens ducks and geese. More of a tonic but at 1 Tab per gallon it doesn't taste strong and my birds like it.
Yes they are poultry too. I have used unpasteurized ACV for years for my flock of chickens ducks and geese. More of a tonic but at 1 Tab per gallon it doesn't taste strong and my birds like it.
I didn't realise that the supermarket stuff had been paturised. I think my mum is just using that as well. Will have to tell her about that part and get us both some natural stuff instead.
Yes they are poultry too. I have used unpasteurized ACV for years for my flock of chickens ducks and geese. More of a tonic but at 1 Tab per gallon it doesn't taste strong and my birds like it.
Miss Lydia when you say tabs is this what you mean?
Hi!!! It can:
1. Keeps water clean/no algae.
2. Great for there health! It is a natural immune booster and keeps there systems strong!
3. If you want to give your ducks spinach this helps the spinach not soak up all of the calcium your ducks need to lay eggs.

Hope this helps! I give it to mine a lot and they love it!!!!!

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