Appropriate treats for 4 week olds


5 Years
Sep 2, 2014
My chicks just turned 4 weeks old....They will kill each other over a boiled egg. They yawn when they see meal worms and could care less. Any kind of fruits I can give them at this stage? What kind of greens?
I personally don't give a lot of treats to young, growing birds. I really want them eating mostly their chick starter. A little hard boiled or scrambled egg, meal worms if they'll take them, mine didn't until they were older. Mine loved peas also. When you do start giving extra treats make sure they have grit available.
I just give mine boiled egg too, but remember if you start giving them other harder to digest treats that they need grit rather natural or store bought to digest it. I tried the yogurt and mine turned their beaks up at
Added some grit to the brooder yesterday afternoon and you would have thought I threw in a favorite treat. I've give a small amount of shredded lettuce twice and they took right to it with much rioting and chasing. Put in a hard boiled egg last night and they couldn't have cared less. In fact it seemed to put them to sleep. I put the plate in and a few inspected it then they all laid down. I removed the plate and they all got up and headed for the food bowl so I put the plate back in - everybody lays down again.
Added some grit to the brooder yesterday afternoon and you would have thought I threw in a favorite treat. I've give a small amount of shredded lettuce twice and they took right to it with much rioting and chasing. Put in a hard boiled egg last night and they couldn't have cared less. In fact it seemed to put them to sleep. I put the plate in and a few inspected it then they all laid down. I removed the plate and they all got up and headed for the food bowl so I put the plate back in - everybody lays down again.
LOL. I love it when they It's so cute to watch them play keep away. I only treat mine once a day. Make them appreciate it Oh, I also planted "CHICKEN SALAD" seeds that my sister had bought from my pet chicken, which grew amazingly well! Because they are late season babies and will remain inside for the winter, I wanted them to be able to scratch. well, they opposed walking/scratching in it, but love when I cut the grass and throw it in their pen. lol
Any time I give boiled egg, I sprinkle grit on it. I do have a sandbox in there for dust bathing and they are in it on occasion pecking and eating sand they are getting some grit. Gave them cut up grapes an they played keep away. That is always fun to watch. Gonna go get them some crickets for even more excitement. I gave them a baby cricket at less than 2 weeks old and it was mass hysteria in the brooder playing keep away

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