April Fools 2016 - New Development: Chicken Feed That Changes Egg Shell Color!

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Only one name comes to mind "SKITTLE MIX" (to bad im sure there would be legal issues)
What a crock. So the breeds that do this naturally will be unnecessary. Therefore, they will be bred by fewer people and become threatened.

Then people will expect that they can buy eggs with any color shell they want...farmers market hell.

It's been a long road, teaching people about natural, fresh eggs vs.factory eggs and now we're going to make it a paint factory?

They're chickens, not tinker toys.
I know with flowers you can put food coloring in water and change the color of the flowers. Has anyone tried food coloring in chicken water. Wasn't Starbucks using some kind beatle to color it's drinks?
Rainbow Layer feed.

Sounds pretty easy to name
Am I the only one who thinks this sounds a little sketchy? I mean, each breed has their own unique qualities.. if every bird lays green eggs, all you've done is uniform everyone. The easter egger, Ameraucana, Auracana, leggbar, they won't be unique anymore. And, changing the color of the bloom that was naturally produced by that certain breed?? What is in the feed where you even do that? Does the feed have a dye in it?
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