April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

One egg had a crack from shipping so had to bin it but other then that pretty much 100% hatch rate every time i use it. :) the other chick is at the wrong end of the egg but hes got air now and just waiting for veins to recede and him to push out :) i have my eye on the r-com 20 pro but its soooooooooooooo expensive!

I hear that a lot! even people who have huge incubators say of there is something really important they need hatched it gos in the mini! Gah I know right? I've been watching one on eBay and its at 200 some odd $ right not and it still has a few days to go. .
This is the umbilical cord!

Who would've thought I've got 3 children and the fact that a chick in an egg needed an umbilical cord didnt even cross my mind, lol.
Yes,, you have the fever! They only way to treat it is to hatch some chicks. I'm sorry to tell you that there is no cure. However you are in the right place. Welcome to our therapy group.
We are in the right place, with all the others who have this wonderful chick fever. Don't fight it just enjoy it. You are not alone.
There are many many of us. It is so good to be with others who understand. When my adult daughter told her friend how many chickens I have she said "Tell your mother she has enough chickens!!!!" But they just don't understand. How can you have too many!! I started to list all the wonderful reasons to have chickens . lol
Oh well I have to go check my incubator to see if any more hatched.
Today is Day 21! No pips yet. No rockin' 'n' rollin' yet, but since I had a power outage for 12 hours and they got chilled one night, I am not expecting anything until at least tomorrow, if at all actually.

Here's the breakdown of those that survived to lockdown:
2 Black Jersey Giants
4 Welsummers
5 BBS Cochins
9 Assorted Purebred
Also 8 Polish, which are 3 days behind, but in lockdown with the rest.

OMG ... just went to verify the numbers to put in this post and found one of the assorted purebreds has started to pip. Hasn't broken completely through yet, but definitely some effort going on! Yay!
Ya know if all my interests weren't so expensive my life would be much simpler : /
Designer hand bags (anyone want some kate spade or coach handbags? I've gotta sell at least 6)
Nerd stuff like MTG and warhammer 40k
Antique furniture
And now chickens again.
My budget is stretched suuuuper thin :/
Ya know if all my interests weren't so expensive my life would be much simpler : /
Designer hand bags (anyone want some kate spade or coach handbags? I've gotta sell at least 6)
Nerd stuff like MTG and warhammer 40k
Antique furniture
And now chickens again.
My budget is stretched suuuuper thin
I know what you mean - I'm not sure I could do it if I still did Warhammer (never got into 40k). Those minatures were expensive and took forever to paint.

But having lots of hobbies is good - it means you never get bored!
Today is Day 21! No pips yet. No rockin' 'n' rollin' yet, but since I had a power outage for 12 hours and they got chilled one night, I am not expecting anything until at least tomorrow, if at all actually.

Here's the breakdown of those that survived to lockdown:
2 Black Jersey Giants
4 Welsummers
5 BBS Cochins
9 Assorted Purebred
Also 8 Polish, which are 3 days behind, but in lockdown with the rest.

OMG ... just went to verify the numbers to put in this post and found one of the assorted purebreds has started to pip. Hasn't broken completely through yet, but definitely some effort going on! Yay!

That is awesome!! I'm so pleased for ya. I got two days till lockdown. Here is hoping for the best. I also think I will have a staggered hatch. I am contemplating keeping a few of my eggs in the bator. For a couple of more days. As they do not seem to fill the egg as well so I am probably going to end up with a staggered hatch even though they all went in at the same time.
I have 4 shipped eggs that are a medium size and cream in colour. But no idea what breed. I have three tiny bantam eggs that look like they will hatch at any moment. They are well full. Then the remaining from the other 22 I need to go through one at a time they are all home bred but seem to be a little different in age. I have had to put them in a new bator from day 10 as the thermostats broke in the last one and ended up too low a lot of the time. Never constant till now. But I have actually over compensated from day 10 I increased the temp. To see if I can get them to speed a little. Anyways they are all alive and kicking from last nights check. I would be interested to see how yours go. The one thing I will say is an over night drop lat in this stage is not usually a problem because they make they're own heat, from friction, movement of them excersising. So you should undoubtedly be fine with your hatch. Good luck!! And don't forget your pics!!

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