April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

Since I had a rushed lockdown I am a little worried. I tried to get humidity up but now the temperature won't rise. I didn't know changing the humidity would cause the temp to drop so the eggs have been at about 36* for 10 hours and I can only get the humidity to 60%.

This is an internal pip isn't it?

I keep thinking I can see the eggs move?????? I have been watching them close and sometimes I think there is a little movement but then it could be the light playing tricks or wishfull thinking on my part??????? ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my feathers are all in a knott!!!! I have 4 days till hatch!!!!!


Oh yes I can understand! It is now day 21 for me and I keep 'thinking' I hear something... but it all looks the same as before to me.... holding my breath..
Out of 21 eggs 15 hatched! I was so excited. One chick died about 12 hours after it hatched, but when it hatched it didn't act quite right. But still 14 chicks for my first hatch they are so cute. Sadly out of 7 eggs that i bought and got shipped to me, only one hatched. I was a little bit sad about that because that means i only have one purbred. I took lots of pictures, but havent had time to upload them yet. Good luck to everyone else who is hatching!
Okay I am NOT hallucinating.. I DID hear a peep and see an egg rock a little bit.... I wonder how long before it actually hatches and how long before the others follow suit and pop out.
Ok maybe someone can help us. We have 20 eggs in one nest. But there is not one hen setting on them. WHY??? THANKS

Being broody is determined by hormones...no way to help that along...........
Totally the hens decsion when the mood strikes..............
Most of mine have never gone broody.and have a few that will hatch 1 or 2 clutches a year.
Sorry..Do you have an incubator?????????
  • Well I have had to work two 14 hour shifts and a 10 hour shift, so my hubby
    has been watching the incubator, brooder, chicks, chickens, rabbits, and dogs and cats. He is wonderful did a great job! We had six hatch out.
    Three speckled sussex and three I got that are unknown. They are supposed to be bantum , two are small one is big. lol I don't know what they are but they are cute. I will post pictures later. I am too tied to read all the posts but congrat to all the new chicks.
Day 14. Did my first culling candling. Removed 10 eggs showing no development at all out of 36. The remaining 26 are all showing great looking little bodies that wiggle when candled. Things are looking better than I first expected. 4 days till lock down!

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