Aquariums and fish keeping



Smothered in Feathers
11 Years
May 14, 2013
Central, PA
I noticed there weren't any threads for fish so I thought I'd start one. I'm not an experienced fish keeper and am learning as I go but I thought it would be nice to have a place where we can post pictures, all questions and learn new things about our fish.

Right now, we have a 55 gallon tank running with 3 red belly piranhas (about 4 inches), an albino tiger Oscar (about 8 inches), and a pleco (10 inches). They all live in harmony so far but I know they will definitely need a bigger tank before long. We have a nice 90 gallon out in the garage waiting to be refurbished for them.

Before getting our Oscar, I really had no idea that fish could have personalities. Oscar greets me every morning when I turn on the tank lights and expects to be hand fed his morning cube of blood worms before his pellets and again in the evening with a cube of brine shrimp. He'll go pout in a corner of we don't pay attention to him lol. He gives the piranhas a run for their money when it comes to hunting feeder fish too.




i have a simple maybe 5 gallon tank with a pleco in it, and have no idea what the other type of fish in it is, i would love to get a stock tank like 250 plus gallons and raise rainbow trout.
i have a simple maybe 5 gallon tank with a pleco in it, and have no idea what the other type of fish in it is, i would love to get a stock tank like 250 plus gallons and raise rainbow trout.  

That would be really neat to do. If we had a basement, we'd totally try to do that. Maybe even make an aquaponics system with it.
I always thought it would be neat to have a saltwater tank. Are they hard to maintain? Some of the fish are just stunning!

They can be but it's all on how much you want to spend or if you can make a lot of diy stuff, but if it's done right they can be just as easy as a well maintained freshwater setup. But to me it all depends on your setup and what you want to keep their is hardy corals and fish and there are expert corals and fish, just take ur time and plan it out and if you decide to start one I want pics lol and if you have any questions just pm me, I'm no expert but I've had one for a few years
They can be but it's all on how much you want to spend or if you can make a lot of diy stuff, but if it's done right they can be just as easy as a well maintained freshwater setup. But to me it all depends on your setup and what you want to keep their is hardy corals and fish and there are expert corals and fish, just take ur time and plan it out and if you decide to start one I want pics lol and if you have any questions just pm me, I'm no expert but I've had one for a few years

Thanks, sounds great :) Maybe once we get these guys moved into the 90 gallon tank, we'll start up a salt water tank in the 55 gallon. I would definitely like a sea horse and maybe the cast of finding Nemo (especially the star fish!) lol
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Seahorse need very low flow and most others need higher flow so that would probably be two different setups, clown fish are not to bad to keep, dory or hippo tang you would probably want a bigger tank or u can get a small one and rehome it when it gets two big, but a 55 gallon tank or bigger is usually the suggested size tank for a beginner in saltwater. The bigger the better easier to take care of due to water volume but cost more for bigger equipment. If you have an iPhone or iPad their is some cool apps out their for freshwater and saltwater , aquaPlanner pro is one
Has anyone ever repaired or attempted to repair an aquarium? The 90 gallon that we have, we were lucky enough to pick up for free. Someone had it set out in front of their house with a big free sign on it. The bottom corner was chipped so we filled it up outside to see if it held water, which it did just fine. Unfortunately, we didn't think about supporting the bottom perfectly and it wasn't sitting quite right so the bottom glass cracked. We were planning to remove the bottom glass from it and have a new piece cut for us and silicon the new piece on. This won't be happening until spring at the earliest but I'm curious if anyone has done anything like that before?

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