Araucana thread anyone?

When I get an e-mail informing me of a new comment added to this thread, it now takes me to the last submitted comment, instead of the newest comment added since my last visit - so I have to go backwards until I come to the place where I last was. Am I supposed to reset something on this new layout so that this doesn't happen, or is this just the way it is now?
I would like to share what I have learned about some araucana mixes that look like what you call splash blue cuckoo.I am not saying my genetics are the same as yours but they look similar.I offer these results for your consideration.I started with 2 sale barn cockerels sold as splash.When bred to some EEs they produced no blues even from black hens.I got a lot of colors but no blues.After much reading I thought they were pied.It turns out pied is recessive.I was getting this splash look with only 1 copy of this gene.So this means it is dominate.More reading turns up erminette which is dominate.So the splash cuckoo in mine is the result of erminette plus barring.Now a erminette with 2 copies is pure white and mine also had white legs as it takes all the black or slate out of the legs.It does not affect yellow legs.If you get a pure white rooster try him on some cuckoo hens not splash cuckos.They should produce 100% of this splash blue cuckoo look if erminette is involved.I have a white cockerel and pullet to test this year.I will now try to post some pictures.
You have the funniest profile pic....I love it!!!


Do you mean MY profile pic? If so, then thanks!!!
I had this dancing hen in my mind for the longest time and when I began seriously selling my eggs I wanted desperately to get her out of my head and into my logo, but I CAN NOT DRAW!!! I felt like such a goof asking artist after artist if they wanted to draw a dancing chicken for me, until the day I asked just the right lady who said "Oh yeah, I can see what you're talking about. Like this....." And sure enough, there she was, the hen I had been dreaming about. I just love her.
For whatever reason, my profile pic is blurry now that the forum has changed, so I guess I need to figure that out and fix it......

Here she is in all her glory.

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