Araucana thread anyone?

I'd be interested in eggs when you have them for sale LaNae......My double tufted roo is from Cat......So I am looking for hatching eggs that I can use with him...I only have 3 hens, so I am going to need a new roo............I would like to hatch him here or I will buy one.............tony is Black with some red leakage and the two girls laying now are clean faced, rumpless blues........Cat also sent me a beautiful splash pullet, but she will not start laying till spring...

I can let you know once I start getting ready to ship eggs. Right now I am checking fertility and waiting for my new incubator. Everything is incubating in the Styrofoam incubators and I can't wait to fill my new cabinet incubator.

Hi Cathy,

I moved the girls into their new pen yesterday. Its new for them and new for me. I just built it yesterday, and got the roof on just as the sun was going down. I had two 4 month old pullets that were free ranging and wandered into the new pen so I locked them in also. This morning everyone was getting along just great. Then I moved my wheaten tufted hen in there. Her name is Nefertiti and she truly believes she is a queen. Her and the little hen got into a bit of a spat and then settled right down. So everything looks good so far.

I will move the roo in with them in a week or so.

awwwwwwwwwwww...They are pretty eggs aren't they.....I adore my Tony and his first kids are hatching as we speak.....3 of them of 11 and Tony had only been here a little over a week when I shipped them in trade for my bators..........I want to thank Cathy for being so generous with me...We will meet............It is destined............I can see us trading chicks and eggs for years to come....For me it is about improving the breed and I KNOW that that is your aim tooo.......Cat and Allena are beautiful blues.........they are rumpless, beautiful blue color and nice combs.......They just need tufts, which Tony can give them.............I am way more than excited.....His first 3 kids are on there way into the world in Alabama as we speak...........I will be sending u pics in the next day or so.........Here is hoping that have some big *** tufts like their dad.............
I have wanted a cabinet incubator for about 3 years now. The last two months I have looked at new and used of all kinds. I thought I was going to have to buy used, and really didn't know what to look for and was worried about getting sold a pig in a poke. I talked it over with my husband and he felt more comfortable with me getting new models. Once that was decided, then I stressed over which brand was better. I even looked at several custome incubator companies. It came down to, I loved the look of both the Dickeys and the GQF ones. The dickeys was about $300.00 cheaper and comes with everything I need to get started. The GQF I would need to order trays and something else I can't remember, that would add to the overall price.

I spoke to the owner of Dickeys and he sounded so nice and sincere. I like the fact that I could give some business to a small company and actually be able to speak to the owner. Now to see how well they work.


The Barred/Cuckoo boy is starting to fill out and get his big boy feathers. He has tiny tufts that do not show on the picture. Very excited for spring breeding!

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