Araucana thread anyone?

Oh Lanae - it's just awful - so sad to loose chickens that way. I have gotten so many phone calls lately from people who bought chicks from me in the first months of chick season and have lost all or nearly all of their babies to predators these past couple of weeks. Before our dogs it was so BAD. The fox would sit just outside our fence line and bounce up and down in the grass, just waiting for us to leave so that they could come try to get into the chickens. I bet it was a fox who snatched your mothers boy - they are so brazen and when it is pup time the moms take the young fox out to chicken property to teach them how to hunt. They wouldn't always eat our chickens either - sometimes there would be a string of killed chickens but they were all left behind. i'm sure it's the moms teaching them how to kill. Sure sounds like your mothers got a secure system in place now - that should be nearly impossible to get through. And sounds like her rooster was doing a good job protecting his ladies if they are all still alive - what a fine rooster.
I sold chicks to our neighbor who's barn I can just see out my back window. All but one of her's were taken. The neighbor just the other side of us won't try anymore because he's lost nearly everything he brought home in years past. We brought our dogs home just short of three years ago and free range about three hundred chickens; We lost five birds the first week we had them here and that was the best training the dogs could ever have gotten I think - they were on FIRE after that night's losses and we haven't lost a single bird to predators since - NOT ONE! We lost our boy dog to liver cancer a couple of months ago and I have been wondering if Callie would be able to handle the property on her own. Looks like she's doing just fine. She caught the coon between two of my grow out pens - where of course I had just moved out my Araucana "teenagers." Of course, the coon was after my most difficult and treasured birds!!! Here's one of our super beautiful babies from this year's hatches:
Wow Megan, your daughter is super beautiful! The pullet she is holding is amazing also.

My dogs are great. The old girl just lays by the baby pens and smells bad, which I am sure is a great deterant to any self respecting predator. The young guy is only a year and a half but he is kept busy. Sometimes it seems like he is counting chickens. When he was just 6 months old he found a young cockerel had wandered to far and he picked him up to bring him to me. Well in transit or when he picked him up, he broke the roos leg. I set the break and amazingly it healed perfectly. He could jump, roost and pounce on the hens. The dog learned his lesson and later I caught him trying to pick a chicken up by its back. When I arrived he looked at me like, " A little help please". LOL! Now we are working on learning chicken herding and he is catching on quickly, that you can get them to go where you want with a little work.

The old dog just barks at them and they move in the direction she wants. Its pretty funny. She is not a chicken fan but she knows she has to watch them. It irritates her that the babies climb all over her, so she sighs alot when I am around just so I get the message.

The only thing that I can think of is to be sure that there is plenty of other interesting and safe things in their environment for them to pick and peck at. They do so like to pick at stuff.
Were there any tufts to start with - before the others picked them out? It's so common for them to pull each other's tufts out!!!! Quite pesky.
congratulation on your Araucana!
Thanks for the advice. They are six weeks old and seem to have one or two feathers trying to poke out. We only have the two and they seem to tag team on my Favorelles. I guess they don't like their beards as they always peck them on the neck. We spend time with them daily free ranging to merge (eventually) with our hens and even when they are out roaming, sometimes they seem to purposfully go up to the favorelles and peck. They are so docile, they just sqwak but don't move. The Houdans aren't missing any feathers, because they bolt as soon as they are pecked.

I will try the suggestion of putting some bark/wood for them to work on.
Hey, Lanae -

I'm glad your mom is only going to let the birds free range while she's around. You can't trust a deer fence to keep out foxes. I saw this fox jump through my deer fence several times. She slipped through the 4" x 6" openings at a dead run - the fence didn't even slow her down. She took three of my chickens, and her hide is now in the process of being tanned.

yeah Callie! Raccoons are not a problem here, it is fox and chicken hawks. Both keep my poor dogs running. I know we have raccoons because other people complain, but so far I have not seen any. Maybe they are just sneaky. My mom had what we think is a fox take her huge orpinton roo in broad daylight. One minute he was there and the next just a trail of feathers. My other neighbors have almost no chickens left and just 2 months ago they had over 30 at one house and the other neighbor had 20. Now they are all down to just two or three each. Everyones chickens are locked up at night so it is happening during the day. We are suspecting a mommy fox has babies in the brush along the creek that borders all our properties.

My mom and I moved her chicken pen into her deer fenced yard. Within the deer fencing their pen is 6' tall welded wire and about 40 X 60. She is only going to let them into the deer fenced area when she is in the yard. She is attempting to treat train them all to come when she calls. She has a bunch of fat orpinton hens so shouldn't be a problem. LOL!

I had no idea fox would be out during the day. I've spent all my time fretting about my enemy #1 - hawks - and haven't thought about a daytime fox. Ugh.
Hey, Lanae -

I'm glad your mom is only going to let the birds free range while she's around. You can't trust a deer fence to keep out foxes. I saw this fox jump through my deer fence several times. She slipped through the 4" x 6" openings at a dead run - the fence didn't even slow her down. She took three of my chickens, and her hide is now in the process of being tanned.
you caught a fox!! wow. That is not easy to do!!!! Very well done.

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