Araucana thread anyone?

Okay, this is my first time posting a question, so I hope I'm doing this right- I've been having a problem with my Araucanas getting 'dingleberries' of poo stuck to their rear feathers. Some are quite large, one was golf-ball size on my rooster. I've been using water and slowly working them out, but I'm wondering if this is something common with Araucanas? We started raising them from hatching eggs in Feb/March so my first ones are getting pretty large (Romeo started crowing about two weeks ago, but none of the ladies are ready to play with him).

Thanks for any advice or help on this issue.
Three of the six chicks are tufted from this hatch. Perfect 50%, hah.

Trust me, this one is tufted, not muffed! They are just down low on the chick's face.

I seriously love this picture! Just happened to be a lucky shot!

Okay, this is my first time posting a question, so I hope I'm doing this right- I've been having a problem with my Araucanas getting 'dingleberries' of poo stuck to their rear feathers. Some are quite large, one was golf-ball size on my rooster. I've been using water and slowly working them out, but I'm wondering if this is something common with Araucanas? We started raising them from hatching eggs in Feb/March so my first ones are getting pretty large (Romeo started crowing about two weeks ago, but none of the ladies are ready to play with him).

Thanks for any advice or help on this issue.

Ahahaha, it does seem like stuck poo on their rears is a problem. It was a real issue for one of my hens. I have stopped them by trimming butt fluff feathers. Since I started their rears have been clean of fecal build ups. When I first did it, and had to clear off some nasty build ups, I'd wear nitrile gloves, use the hose to help wash away it gently (like, barely any flow at all), and work them off. Then I'd take a pair of scissors and gently trim feathers near the vent. Any soiled feathers went, along with feathers nearby. I actually did it to all my hens, not just the problem one, to prevent the issue. They're mellow enough that trim only takes a few minutes, then they are on their way.

Once done, I didn't really notice the trimmed areas. But it was sure better than having poo clumps, which made eggs dirty.
Ah. This looks better. I was concerned abt the shape of that egg when you posted it. I didn't think that maybe the pic was stretched a little.
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