Araucana thread anyone?

Ahahaha, I struck gold! Araucana egg gold! I finally broke my broodies, but hadn't been getting more than an egg a day. Well, today, I found their cache! They stashed them by the wood pile. Darn little girls! So maybe the ten eggs are good, I may incubate them and find out.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Would be great if you had more chicks if they are like the ones that just hatched!
I'm kinda in the same dilema. I had gotten such an overflow of eggs that i started leaving them in the nests. Next thing I know, I have 4 going broodie. This was 18-22 days ago. We finally got to the point that I didn't have any eggs for hubbies breakfast and no good nest to go rob. Now I have to go looking for new nest.

But on the other hand I have 18 mutt chicks as of last night. That makes up for the 6 I just butchered and put in the freezer and the 7 3 mos old mutt pullets that I just sold. It seems that harder that I try to get down to where I only have purebreds, the more the mutts keep hatching.
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This is the 2nd batch this spring of chicks for 2 of the broodies. I don't even know what breed they are but they were dependable layers that someone gave me.
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i have just been reading through this wonderful thread. i am new to all things chickens, but they sure are addicting. : ) you all have just inspired me to invest in some lovely Araucanas! I love those tuffs, so beautiful! I just bought and i am waiting for my first incubator to arrive. i cant wait to learn more about their breed and how the whole genetics of tuffs and colors work. i tell myself and my husband that its for homeschool and 4H (even though 3 of my 4 kids are too little for any of that) but shh its really for me ;) i can't wait until the fall, when we decided to start hatching chicks. i already am searching the web looking for the best place to buy hatching eggs and all the information i can find. i may not be able to wait!!
i have just been reading through this wonderful thread. i am new to all things chickens, but they sure are addicting. : ) you all have just inspired me to invest in some lovely Araucanas! I love those tuffs, so beautiful! I just bought and i am waiting for my first incubator to arrive. i cant wait to learn more about their breed and how the whole genetics of tuffs and colors work. i tell myself and my husband that its for homeschool and 4H (even though 3 of my 4 kids are too little for any of that) but shh its really for me ;) i can't wait until the fall, when we decided to start hatching chicks. i already am searching the web looking for the best place to buy hatching eggs and all the information i can find. i may not be able to wait!!
So glad you've decided on Araucana! I wish you the best with them and feel free to come here for questions. The people here are wonderful!
Welcome Henn, I have yet to get my araucanas as they ar ehatched and over 500 miles away. My hubby and I are going to pick them up soon. Contact Illia about eggs. She is in Wash. too.

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