Araucana thread anyone?

Morning All,
Beautiful birds Mule..genetics is a beautiful thing.....I wish I lived somewhere so I could breed birds ..When I was working I was a microbiologist,veterinary bacteriology is my expertise...that was a lifetime ago. I was dragged down to Long Island in 1985 with the promise that it would only be a year. NOT..
I have created my own little upstate New York in my back yard with my gardens and my chickens..but it's just not the same. I even have to worry if my girls are too vocal after laying an egg for me. My neighbor sticks his head over the fence wanting to know if it's a rooster. Yet his dog barks all day long...sorry if I'm ranting.
Back on Araucana subject, I'll have to get photos so you can tell me what color my "girls" are. I'm sure Ray n Deb(don't know who posts on the thread sorry, ) could tell me. I have problems posting photos with this iPad.
Thanks again for letting me jump off subject guys....
Morning All,
Beautiful birds Mule..genetics is a beautiful thing.....I wish I lived somewhere so I could breed birds ..When I was working I was a microbiologist,veterinary bacteriology is my expertise...that was a lifetime ago. I was dragged down to Long Island in 1985 with the promise that it would only be a year. NOT..
I have created my own little upstate New York in my back yard with my gardens and my chickens..but it's just not the same. I even have to worry if my girls are too vocal after laying an egg for me. My neighbor sticks his head over the fence wanting to know if it's a rooster. Yet his dog barks all day long...sorry if I'm ranting.
Back on Araucana subject, I'll have to get photos so you can tell me what color my "girls" are. I'm sure Ray n Deb(don't know who posts on the thread sorry, ) could tell me. I have problems posting photos with this iPad.
Thanks again for letting me jump off subject guys....

You should give Button Quail a go then. Tiny little birds with loads of different colors and patterns to breed for. And the male "crow" is not loud or even remotely rooster-like.
I have a strange little bantam chick. It's about two monts old. It doesn't have any of the pointy saddle feathers or nape feathers, but has a red comb so im having difficulties telling if it Is male or female. Also, I don't know if its due to the tufting gene, it seems to have a smaller head than most bantams. it also has an extra hole in its head by one of the tufts and lock beak. It doesn't seem to slow it down at all. Just like to hear others thoughts. It defiantly won't be used as a breeder. The neck feathers are a little wet from watermelon, sorry.
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Just wanted to share a picture of the egg laid this morning. I shipped off all the eggs I had sold, and had on hand yesterday and my grandson woke up asking for Grammy's pancakes. The only egg left in the fridge was a double yolker Araucana egg, way too big for a tiny batch of pancakes so I went out to check to see if there were any Serama or Araucana eggs laid yet this morning and I found this small blue egg in the black pen on the ground. It was small, perfect size for his pancakes and such a pretty, deep color but it was destined to be eaten so I used it. The shell was a little thin (they usually are not) and the insides were So pretty! They're all bluish but this one Rocks!

It was the size of the ones my pullets lay but none of the hens in there are pullets...... but then some of them were hatched last year so I suppose it's possible. I have had one pullet before that didn't lay till past a year old once. That would also explain why it was on the ground outside and not in a nest box. This is inside the pen and it wasn't there earlier this morning so it was just laid. I Sure hope there are more of these laid. The egg color seems to vary a bit, all of them may be really blue then another day they're all tinged greenish blue then pale blue..... but I'd sure like to have more of these. My little chocolate pullet lays an egg this depth of color but she's penned up with some young cockerels right now so this wasn't her's.

It may be a fluke, but I sure hope not!

Just wanted to share a picture of the egg laid this morning. I shipped off all the eggs I had sold, and had on hand yesterday and my grandson woke up asking for Grammy's pancakes. The only egg left in the fridge was a double yolker Araucana egg, way too big for a tiny batch of pancakes so I went out to check to see if there were any Serama or Araucana eggs laid yet this morning and I found this small blue egg in the black pen on the ground. It was small, perfect size for his pancakes and such a pretty, deep color but it was destined to be eaten so I used it. The shell was a little thin (they usually are not) and the insides were So pretty! They're all bluish but this one Rocks!

It was the size of the ones my pullets lay but none of the hens in there are pullets...... but then some of them were hatched last year so I suppose it's possible. I have had one pullet before that didn't lay till past a year old once. That would also explain why it was on the ground outside and not in a nest box. This is inside the pen and it wasn't there earlier this morning so it was just laid. I Sure hope there are more of these laid. The egg color seems to vary a bit, all of them may be really blue then another day they're all tinged greenish blue then pale blue..... but I'd sure like to have more of these. My little chocolate pullet lays an egg this depth of color but she's penned up with some young cockerels right now so this wasn't her's.

It may be a fluke, but I sure hope not!

That is an AWESOME egg.

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