Araucana thread anyone?

No, I do not have a male. She was one of three that I hatched from eggs from Ray_n_Debi but two drowned at one week old in the water dish the first day I let them out with their momma into the main flock. I let them out when I was home for lunch and found them after work....I was heartbroken....hatched three out of eight shipped eggs (under a broody) and then lost two not thinking about the open water!
Won't be making that mistake again...... I am trying to decide whether or not to get a male and breed her in the spring. I would have to keep them separate from the main flock and that means confinement. I hate not being able to let them "be chickens". We'll see.....

I'm at page 152 now........

You might try making a mini PVC Tractor that they can "range" out in the yard during the day. You can make the PVC sealed with a stop cock at the base and a cap at the top. You put in place and then fill the pipes with water and it is heavy enough that it doesn't flip. When you are ready to move it you just open the valve and let the water out.
Quote: I have a mobile coop that I use for a breeding pair and it would be perfect for Hanna and a beau........just love to see them out ranging rather than "cooped up".

The ramp raises to close the coop at night so it is secure.
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Hereʻs my setup. From the left: triple duty chicken feed, raw brown rice, rolled barley and flax seed(but not too much flax).

I ferment in the big one. The pour spout serves as the burper when CO2 bubbles up. I fill the small one at night and pour out the excess water back into the big one in the morning, then feed.

The water on the top just has to barely cover the feed once you get it going after a few days.

No need add ACV.

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