Are all my roosters late bloomers??


In the Brooder
Feb 28, 2023
I have 4 cockerels that range from 5-6 months of age (silkie, yokohama, cochin, and giant brahma) and not one of them has made more than a peep. I have kept them both with my hens and with only each other and they don't seem anywhere close to crowing. They are all very laid back and chill dudes. They let me pick them up and they eat from my hand. Are there some breeds where the roosters never crow? Are all 4 of these breeds late bloomers? Are they just happy and content so they don't feel the need to compete?
The brahma breed is slow maturing. That said I would expect at least a pathetic crow by now.

Can you post a few pics and we can help determine if they are immature or just chill dudes with enough confidence they don't need to proclaim anything?

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