Are any of these breeds incompatible in a mixed flock?



5 Years
Apr 4, 2019
Southeast TN
I am interested in the following breeds. I would get 2 of each and raise them together as chicks.

Buff and/or light Brahma, Silver-laced Wyandotte, Barred rock, buff Orpington, and Easter egger (because: blue eggs)

Brahmas were recommended to me because I am looking for breeds that are calm and docile, and less likely to fly or flutter over my 5 ft chain-link fence while free-ranging; I'm willing to clip wings. (It's not a huge problem if they do fly over the fence, but I'd prefer they didn't).

We have dogs that will share the back yard (not when the chickens are loose), and it'd be nice to have breeds that were less apt to be spooky/flighty. We also have young children, so a breed that was friendly and took treats from a gentle child would be a plus. Right now, I'm primarily interested in layers, though that may change in the future. Medium productivity is fine, or if some birds in the flock had higher productivity to even out the ones with lower productivity that would be okay too.

Coop will be 7 x 12 feet (not counting nest boxes). I don't plan to free range all the time. The run isn't built or finalized yet, but we have lots of space so it will be a minimum of 10 square ft per chicken, probably more. I'll make sure there's shade and a roofed section so they can get out of the rain, and lots of water, of course.

I'm completely new to chickens. Thank you for any insight you have the time to share!
Thanks, that's good to know! I added Plymouth rocks specifically because I've heard someone say that they're easy. Have you found them to be aggressive in a flock?--I definitely don't want anyone getting picked on. I had Dominiques on my reserve list, so I'd be happy to switch them around. I'll have to research white leghorns, I was a little sad not to have any white egg layers on the list!
Thanks, that's good to know! I added Plymouth rocks specifically because I've heard someone say that they're easy. Have you found them to be aggressive in a flock?--I definitely don't want anyone getting picked on. I had Dominiques on my reserve list, so I'd be happy to switch them around. I'll have to research white leghorns, I was a little sad not to have any white egg layers on the list!

Not sure on the Barred Rocks, but I had a White Rock in my last flock and he was very friendly, almost like a lap dog, but a bit over-enthusiastic over food (would push other chickens out of the way during treat time and wouldn't leave you alone). Otherwise very calm and easy to catch.

Orpingtons are great backyard birds and very family-friendly. My silver laced Orp is a favorite with my nephews and she just sits on their laps and lets them hold her.

Your other breeds look fine to me, though I have a golden laced Wyandotte and have found her to be a very standoffish, even unfriendly bird towards people (not aggressive, just zero interest in interacting with people), but socializes very well with the rest of the flock.
In my experience, barred rocks would be fine. I started with 3 barred rocks (now down to one) and they’ve been my favorite breed to raise (other than the brahmas). They can have a bit of attitude when they’re all going to roost at night, but mine has been sweet otherwise.

It looks like you're in Georgia. Our climate here in TN is probably fairly similar. Did your Brahmas do okay in the summer?
My barred rocks have been dominate in the flock but relatively docile and full of personality.

Many people have different individual experiences. For example, i have had horrible luck with Wyandottes and have rehomed 4 or 5 before deciding they’re just not docile enough for my flock. I may try some breeder Wyandottes in the future.

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