Are any of these breeds incompatible in a mixed flock?

Thanks, that's good to know! I added Plymouth rocks specifically because I've heard someone say that they're easy. Have you found them to be aggressive in a flock?--I definitely don't want anyone getting picked on. I had Dominiques on my reserve list, so I'd be happy to switch them around. I'll have to research white leghorns, I was a little sad not to have any white egg layers on the list!
I have 2 rhode island reds, 2 dominiques and 2 buff orpingtons. My RIR's are definitely the dominant hens of the flock but they are not bullies. They easily and gently take treats from my 17 month old grandson. The dominiques and BOs are both pretty docile, but the dominiques are SO my grandson loves to feel their soft feathers. Hope this helps!
My barred rocks have been dominate in the flock but relatively docile and full of personality.

Many people have different individual experiences. For example, i have had horrible luck with Wyandottes and have rehomed 4 or 5 before deciding they’re just not docile enough for my flock. I may try some breeder Wyandottes in the future.
Oh no! I just got 3 GLW chicks, along with 2 Golden campines and 2 light brown leghorns. They are only 4 weeks old, but so far they all seem to be getting along. I hope I have better luck with the GLW because they are so pretty!
I got my Attila from Meyer Hatchery. She's reserved but I've seen zero aggression from her towards other birds - she prefers the flock's company and screams bloody murder if I separate her out to hold her.

This is her refusing to be held or look at the camera, lol.
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My GLW Willhemina (Willie for short) does the same thing when I try to hold her LOL Willhemina.jpg
Barred rocks are one of the most friendly breeds, get them.
Dominique’s can be very aggressive. And do not get whit leghorns, mine fly 8 feet straight up even with there wings clipped and they are not very good birds for pets.
I guess this is proof that just like humans, a breed can't be lumped into one category of docile or aggressive. My dominiques are very docile. This is a very interesting thread! I love hearing about everyone's experiences. :)
Oh no! I just got 3 GLW chicks, along with 2 Golden campines and 2 light brown leghorns. They are only 4 weeks old, but so far they all seem to be getting along. I hope I have better luck with the GLW because they are so pretty!
They should be fine growing up together! You may have bully issues trying to add more later, but don't worry about it yet, and enjoy!!!

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