Are Easter Egger's poor layers?

I have one that looks alot like yours. It may sound silly, but she loves oatmeal, mixed with water and a little powdered milk if I have it. When she slows laying regular I give them all some oatmeal and she starts laying like crazy. Works for me.
EE's are such a mixed up "breed" that there is no real answer to that. I've had some that laid well--5 eggs a week--and some that didn't--5 eggs a month. It depends on the lineage. Most people that keep these aren't into them for the number of eggs anyway--if you want eggs get leghorns or RR or some of the sex-link crosses.
Hi Waistintime and Woodmort:

I like the idea of the oatmeal. I given that to my girls from time to time. I'll try it again.

Regarding good layers, I agree there are some breeds that are better layers. I never pick my chickens for laying, normally. The reason I ask about EE's is more about curiosity
than anything else. I don't depend on eggs for anything but my family, so there are always plenty.

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