Are guinea keets supposed to "cry"....ALL the time?

BackYard Sheena

In the Brooder
5 Years
May 2, 2014
Craigsville, WV
I am trying to figure out if my keets are normal in the fact they have cried all evening yesterday and all night long. There is only 5 of them, and there was always at least one was standing with it's head out stretched crying. I am not sure if the person I bought them from used an incubator or not. I am wondering are they missing their momma??? I've only bought babeis from eggs that were in an incubator before. Is there anything I can do to make this transition easier? I wish I had a broody bird to put them with, this is heart breaking. I don't even have anyone laying yet though!!!
I do have them under a heat lamp, I thought they were too hot so I moved it farther away and they started shivering. So I moved it back and they started crying again. They seem so desperate for something and I can't figure it out :\
Have you bothered to actually measure the temperature in the brooder?

Also like many animals they are not that fond of change, the new surroundings might be what is setting them off, give them a few days to get accustomed...

I find Guineas in general to be very keen about their surroundings even at an early age, every time I change something in the coop the Guineas complain...
If they were taken from a brood hen they will cry for her for up to several days. I just took 6 two week old keets from a hen yesterday and put them in the brooder. They are still calling for her today but it will be less and less as time goes on. I think guineas don't adjust to new situations as quickly as some other poultry. A mirror on their wall can be comforting for them. A feather duster hanging in their cage makes them feel like they are getting underneath momma and usually quiets them..

If they have warmth, food and water there isn't much else you can do for them.
Thank you everyone. Every day seems to get better, they must be adjusting finally. The chicks and ducks I have raised prior never went through that so it really concerned me something was wrong. Thanks for the mirror and duster ideas I will add those in the morning :)

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