Are my 1 month old Salmon Faverolles Pullets or Roos?


Nov 21, 2015
I am new to Salmon Faverolles and I was wondering if my two 1 month olds are Pullets or Roos? Are they your typical color because they both seem to be darker that what most pictures show for their age. Please help!

First one is a definite pullet. From the back the second looks like a cockerel, but it has a light chest. I would tentatively say pullet on 2. You will know for sure in another couple of weeks.
Your thinking the same thing as me. I've never seen one with that much coloring splashed on it. The brown one is really dark too. I was expecting a lighter salmon color. Guess I'll wait a few more weeks and see!
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yes, I got them October 20th! :) They look older than they really are. They seem MUCH bigger than a month old too! I feel they are going to be HUGE Faverolles!
I was thinking a pair, but keesmom has a ton more experience with this breed and knows her stuff. Please be sure to update us in a few weeks so we can see how things turn out!

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