Are my chickens just weird or what?

My chickens are spoiled too - I had the hardest time getting them out of the coop the first time it had snowed. I had to resort to Cheetos to entice them - the cracked corn did nothing to make them want to come out of the coop - but they sure came running when they heard the sound of the bag of chips opening up. The next day - they came out of the coop and ate the corn I had laid down the day before but wouldn't come out of their again, Cheetos to the rescue......I had cleaned out the fridge a few days before so I had nothing good to give them - but I was given a couple of cases of chips......they hear that bag opening and they come running from where ever they are......kind of like ringing a dinner bell for the kids. :) Today when they were out though, they got a lot of kale to munch on and some celery - plus they got to dig for bugs in the mud for hours! I bet I get 18 eggs tomorrow - seems like when they get out and get some good treats and some delicious bugs, the next day, most of them lay me a little present. :)
OK - one week later and I have some results to share about the feeder after I painted it black...... After 3 days, when I would normally be filling the feeder because it was nearly empty, I still had about 1/3 of the feed still left in the feeder. 3 days later, same thing - 1/3 left in the feeder still. I would have to say that after one week, I've cut down on the total feed consumption by about 10-12lbs. Basically I am getting an entire extra day of feed each week now...... I'm going to continue to monitor the feeder but now, instead of having to fill it every 3 days, it looks like I need to do it every 4th or 5th. While it may not be a lot, it does help! It also helped with the poop trays. I emptied them this morning and they weren't nearly as full as they usually are after a week. Less in one end, less out the other end. :)
I will be interested to see how many eggs they start laying when the days get longer.
That would be a good test as well -
shiny feeder for 2 weeks and see the # eggs vs. plastic/black feeder for 2 weeks and # eggs
Keep us posted!
I'm still getting the same number of eggs each day - most days I get a full dozen - some days only 10 - but then a couple of days I get 14......My RIR's, BR's and White Leghorns seem to be consistent in their laying - 4-6 per week per hen - but my EE's are the slackers right now.....I might get 4 eggs a week from 8 of my hens hasn't laid an egg in two months - then she laid two last week right in a row. Back when the days were longer, I used to get 18-21 eggs a day so I am not unhappy with what I am getting during the winter so far.

When I take my eggs over to the school in a few weeks for them to hatch out, I probably won't take any of the EE eggs - they don't seem to produce as good as I thought they would over the winter.

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