are my chickens molting... or is this from my rooster


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 10, 2011
My hens all have bare backs... not sure if they are molting or if its from my rooster.... what do you all think???
or a combination - my hens looked terrible when my roo, came of age so to speak. But I think that he just magnifed the molt, feathers already falling out, fall out quicker with pulls on them. However, everything I read said older roos get better technique. And the only way to get an older one, is to wait.

Anyway, my roo got older, the girls got over the molt, and everyone looks beautiful now.

If it's just on the back, it's Mr. Roo. But it could be a combination as well. Still, they don't molt only on the back, they molt all over.

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