Are my chickens sick?? they laid a black egg!!

The Ayam Cemani lays Pinky White eggs .. although it is black in colour top down to its bones
From what I have read the Black Australorps will lay black eggs. They are the same as the other eggs, just the shell is black.
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We have alot of quail in our area and they regularly visit our backyard by the chicken coop. I found a quail egg in our nesting area one day. Other birds will try to lay sometimes in the nesting areas.
My chicken really did just lay a black egg today! Should I be worried?

This is very unusual. I have four chickens. Two are suplosed to lay light brown colored eggs and two lay brown. One is a really bad layer and very irregular. But I have never seen this expcept for this post. I did crack it open and have a picture of that

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