Are my eggs still alive?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 15, 2014
Happy Valley, OR
We've had a broody hen for two months now, so finally got some fertile eggs for her to hatch from a nearby farm yesterday. She was on them yesterday and last night, but this afternoon my husband discovered she had switched nests to the one another hen had laid an egg in, so the fertile eggs got cold. We don't know how long they were uncovered, possibly several hours when it was 55-60 degrees outside. Are they still good or is it too late now?
Ive had the light on my incubator go out and didn't notice for 8 hours and those eggs survived but that was in an insulated box. A nest would cool faster. You could candle them by cupping them in your hand with a flashlight underneath and see if they are still alive. If you can see veins then they are ok but if you see a red ring they they died. Or you could wait 2 days and smell them... Also 2 months of being broody is a loong time so I would give her some meat once and a while so she doesn't lose too much weight.
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Thanks for the feeding tip. Yeah it's been a long time!! These eggs would have only just gotten started last night, so I don't think we could candle them yet? I guess we'll check in a couple days.

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