are my hens holding out or am I missing something?

From what I understand, cinnamon queen, golden comets, red stars, they're all the same bird basically, just different names.

Red Stars are the same as Red Sex Links. You could produce those by crossing a Rhode Island Red rooster with a Delaware hen. But Golden Comets and Cinnamon Queens seem to be different.

Take a look at this hatchery website.
Red Stars are the same as Red Sex Links. You could produce those by crossing a Rhode Island Red rooster with a Delaware hen. But Golden Comets and Cinnamon Queens seem to be different.

Take a look at this hatchery website.
cinnamon queen- new hampshire red crossed with a silver laced wyandotte
golden comet- RIR crossed with RIW
red star- RIR crossed with delaware
cinnamon queen- new hampshire red crossed with a silver laced wyandotte
golden comet- RIR crossed with RIW
red star- RIR crossed with delaware

I had heard of a Gold Sex Link that is produced from a Rhode Island Red or New Hampshire rooster and a Rhode Island White hen. The same as a Golden Comet.

I was not familiar with the Cinnamon Queen crossing.

Do you have any experience as to which produces the most eggs? It seems like the Golden Comet (Gold Sex Link) would be the best based on the breeds.
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the golden comet produces the most eggs but dont get me wrong they are all great hybrids!! id say they deffinetly lay over 300 eggs a year for each of them and consume about 4 and 1/2 to 5 pounds of feed per dozen eggs produced per bird.
feed to egg ratio is great. but the white leghorn is even better! they consume less then 4 pounds of feed per dozen eggs produced and they can lay up to 360 eggs per year. the black australorps hold the record with 364 eggs in 365 days but they eat alot more feed then the leghorn. id say to go with the leghorn and sex links for egg laying theyre great
oops! forgot about that one! they look nice but ive heard they lay the least out of the sex link crosses. i dont know how true that is though.

Of course White Leghorns or White Leghorn hybrids produce the most eggs. I guess we just got to discussing hybrids.

That website I listed has an estimated egg production of 200 to 280 a year for the Red and Black Sex links. I am not sure if that is average for the first year or multiple years. For the Golden Comets and Cinnamon Queens it states 250 to 320 eggs a year.
feed to egg ratio is great. but the white leghorn is even better! they consume less then 4 pounds of feed per dozen eggs produced and they can lay up to 360 eggs per year. the black australorps hold the record with 364 eggs in 365 days but they eat alot more feed then the leghorn. id say to go with the leghorn and sex links for egg laying theyre great

That record with the Australorp was set in the 1800s. People have tried and tried with Australorps and never came close to that record set by one hen in Australia.

I just posted this a few minutes ago in another thread.

The world record for a chicken laying eggs was set in 1979 by a White Leghorn that laid 371 eggs in 364 days. I think the White Leghorn is why white eggs became common in stores. They commonly lay more than 300 eggs a year.

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