Are my poults strange ?


12 Years
Jul 27, 2009
Northern New York
They love being held . They love there bellys rubbed and they fall asleep in your hand , you can then turn then over on there backs and they curl up and sleep with you . We even painted there nails to tell the kids favorites so we did not sell them.
Doesn't sound strange to me at all. I put my baby turks in my hand and they just sit there, making no attempt to leave. They love to be petted and often fall right asleep in my hand or on my lap. I love that when you go into the brooder the chickens run AWAY but the turkeys run TO me.
Turkey poults will imprint on the first living thing they see, so if you spend the first hour or so with the poults after they hatch, they will have no fear of you at all and consider you their "Mom". I wouldn't recommend painting their toe nails though, as this could start some toe picking problems. The poults will notice the paint and due to their inquisitive nature , pick at it. Keep a watch for this, or you may have some bloody toe poults.
My Royal Palm poults fly to me whenever I'm outside. We can't sit down without a lap full. I hope they don't try that when they're 20 pounds each!
I got some from a feed store a few years ago. They were labeled as heritage turkeys, but they were bronze broad-breasted. Anyway, the Tom would holler at me every evening until I got it out of the brooder and it would sit on my lap and watch television. He continued liking to sit on people's laps even after he got huge. He was a wonderful pet! So, no. I don't think your turkeys are weird! They are very social animals, and need to learn from their "flock" which is why they sometimes seem so dumb. They need to be taught. They are not completely instinct driven like chickens.

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