Are my silkies slow?


8 Years
Mar 25, 2011
Oakland County, MI
I know they can be a tad different than other chickens but they have zero interest in worms, bugs, stale bread or cabbage. I'm beginning to think they really are honking persian cats and not chickens at all. Though I do adore their maniacal laughter!
My silkies don't like cabbage either. I threw a few worms their way when I moved some landscape timbers, and they just backed away from them. They just grumbled and made funny chittering/chirping/complaining noises that I would give them such things! They do like fresh corn on the cobb, cucumbers, mostly the seeds inside, prefer the fresher bread. They will chase the butterflys around thou, and thats funny to watch those big puffy legs running. They do like do like stale ritz crackers thou. My other chickens.. They eat anything.
"Are my silkies slow?" Well they are indeed silkies-- no silky has ever been barnyard valedictorian.
Now I know you need the 2 I have! They are quick to pick up just about anything and run with it. Worms, tiny fish, peas, blueberries, tomatoes. They can teach your kids a thing or two. Although I do think it behooves mine to be quick, those Isas are real witches that don't like to share with furry monsters!
I would love to adopt/buy a Silkie! I just have one little shy Belgium D'Uccle and she has been playing in the yard with the kids all Summer, but when school starts soon, I would love to have a second or third hen to join Bobbi in the run/coop. We have a heated coop and a safe fully covered run. Our hens get the VIP treatment! Please let me know (personal message) if anyone has a Silkie or bantam hen I could buy!
I goofed with raising my quad of spoiled rotten black silkies. I fed them fruit before I fed them veggies. Thereafter they thought they were poisoned everytime I put veggies on their plate ! Worse than kids ! But of everything I ever fed them, I swear they can hear me lift a kiwi & raise a fit until they get their share !
hey 2 of my four got gold stars this week one figured out to go to bed at night days before the rest of the chickens. and one figured out to go lay her eggs in the coop- OK not the nest box- but well they are silkies

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