Are Orpingtons prone to obesity?

Red Horse

May 16, 2022
My 6 month-old flock has just got over a very long bout of coccidiosis recently and most are still gaining weight back. I'm not giving them anything extra to help this along, just letting them eat their flock raiser feed free choice as they always have. I stopped giving treats quite some time ago because I didn't want to risk contributing to their diarrhea. They're also in confinement right now with AI circulating my state. I picked up my buff today to check her out and HOLY COW she's fat!!! I don't have a scale but she easily outweighs both of my big sussex roosters, I can't hardly find her keel bone. She was so heavy it really threw me off and she was so awkward to hold. These are my first chickens and I've read that orpingtons can be used for meat, do I need to restrict her feed? Will they usually eat themselves to this point?
My 6 month-old flock has just got over a very long bout of coccidiosis recently and most are still gaining weight back. I'm not giving them anything extra to help this along, just letting them eat their flock raiser feed free choice as they always have. I stopped giving treats quite some time ago because I didn't want to risk contributing to their diarrhea. They're also in confinement right now with AI circulating my state. I picked up my buff today to check her out and HOLY COW she's fat!!! I don't have a scale but she easily outweighs both of my big sussex roosters, I can't hardly find her keel bone. She was so heavy it really threw me off and she was so awkward to hold. These are my first chickens and I've read that orpingtons can be used for meat, do I need to restrict her feed? Will they usually eat themselves to this point?
All of the Buff Orpingtons I've raised hold alot of fat for some reason. My fattest hen currently. And very fluffy.
Two other considerations are Floof and meat.
Orpingtons were bred for a nice full meaty breast. How much is actually fat I don't know how to tell.
I've never had an American Orpington, but this year we got English Orpingtons... and wow. The roo we chose to keep, Clifford, is massive. Some of his appearance is floof, it compresses under hand like a feather pillow.
It had been a while and some growing since I'd picked him up when we had a hurricane coming and were moving birds inside. Most can tuck up under one arm easily. I went to pick up Clifford and dropped him. He was so heavy and the floof made it hard to settle my hands in the right spots, poor boy. Grabbed him again and found I had to hold him away from my body in front of me because my arm wasn't enough to wrap around him. I really need to weigh him (somehow?).
I know he's not getting excess fat in his diet and everything yummy he gives to his girls. So, I'm guessing all his pounds are meat?
Two other considerations are Floof and meat.
Orpingtons were bred for a nice full meaty breast. How much is actually fat I don't know how to tell.
I've never had an American Orpington, but this year we got English Orpingtons... and wow. The roo we chose to keep, Clifford, is massive. Some of his appearance is floof, it compresses under hand like a feather pillow.
It had been a while and some growing since I'd picked him up when we had a hurricane coming and were moving birds inside. Most can tuck up under one arm easily. I went to pick up Clifford and dropped him. He was so heavy and the floof made it hard to settle my hands in the right spots, poor boy. Grabbed him again and found I had to hold him away from my body in front of me because my arm wasn't enough to wrap around him. I really need to weigh him (somehow?).
I know he's not getting excess fat in his diet and everything yummy he gives to his girls. So, I'm guessing all his pounds are meat?
I hope he didn't hold it against you!!! My Lenny is extra fluffy but under the fluff her breast and legs are massive. The fluff makes her weight deceptive... its awkward to get them in the right spots as you say, and although she loves to be held the process of picking her up has become uncomfortable for her.
This summer I decided to weigh my girls (2 Orpingtons and a Welsummer). I dragged my bathroom scale out on the deck and weighed each of them while I held them. The biggest Orpington weighed 7 pounds, which seems huge to me! Her sisters were 6 and 5 pounds. I’d rather not say what I weighed…
They can be big girls, even under all that fluff!

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