Are these blood rings?



Jan 18, 2022
I think I cooked all the eggs I had incubating. No idea what happened. Had the incubator set up for days at a steady temp, ran errands on day 2 and came home to the temp being 103 (possibly for hours). Today is day 5 so I candled them, and I think they all have blood rings. No baby movement, they just moved as I moved the eggs. 😩 Can anyone confirm that’s what I’m seeing here?


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I can't confirm it yet. Although I do see a ring in most of them, it's not well defined yet. Also I don't see any bits of disintegrating blood vessels floating lower down. I'd give them a few more days then candle again to see if there's any change.

I read somewhere (Hubbard guide, I think?) that the upper level of incubation temperature is about 104.1-deg-F. So I doubt it's anything you did. I hope they're okay!
I can't confirm it yet. Although I do see a ring in most of them, it's not well defined yet. Also I don't see any bits of disintegrating blood vessels floating lower down. I'd give them a few more days then candle again to see if there's any change.

I read somewhere (Hubbard guide, I think?) that the upper level of incubation temperature is about 104.1-deg-F. So I doubt it's anything you did. I hope they're okay!
Thank you!! I’ll candle again in a couple days. I thought maybe I’d see some movement if all was well and the embryo wouldn’t just be floating in there? It loved as I moved the egg, but was still otherwise. I’m praying I didn’t do anything wrong! ☹️
They look fine to me so far. One looks possibly iffy, but give them another week and candle again - it should then be obvious. You see cell structure and the yolk and veins still, so I think they could still be alive. When there's a blood ring, that's the only thing you see, oftentimes.

In another week, you should see their eye spot (dark spot) - that will move around slightly for some eggs. In my experience, egg movement is so small at the development level you're currently at that you may not see it when you candle.
They look fine to me so far. One looks possibly iffy, but give them another week and candle again - it should then be obvious. You see cell structure and the yolk and veins still, so I think they could still be alive. When there's a blood ring, that's the only thing you see, oftentimes.

In another week, you should see their eye spot (dark spot) - that will move around slightly for some eggs. In my experience, egg movement is so small at the development level you're currently at that you may not see it when you candle.
Ok!! I’ll wait it out and be praying in the meantime! ❤️
I’m not seeing blood rings yet
My incubator hit 110 for 5-6 hours
When I added warm water
Was the middle of the night and when I got up it was that high. I only lost one egg and it was already slower at developing
This happened in my first 7-10 days
Everyone else hatched and no health issues
Lesson learned use room temp only in the little giant bator
I think I cooked all the eggs I had incubating. No idea what happened. Had the incubator set up for days at a steady temp, ran errands on day 2 and came home to the temp being 103 (possibly for hours). Today is day 5 so I candled them, and I think they all have blood rings. No baby movement, they just moved as I moved the eggs. 😩 Can anyone confirm that’s what I’m seeing here?
Be careful! At that stage you can kill the developing embryo early by moving it too much, in my opinion. Those aren’t blood rings. You’ll be able to tell if it’s blood ring when the blood vessels turn a very dark line that looks like it’s on the inside of the egg shell, if that makes any sense 😂, the pictures look like the big red dot 🔴 with vessels connecting to it is the chick that is just forming. I like to candle on day 7 and 14 rather than 3rd day.

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