Are these eggs fertile?


In the Brooder
Mar 9, 2016
I didn't think I had a rooster since I havent heard any crowing but I might. I walk in today and witnessed one of my olive eggers breeding one of my Easter Eggers. A few days ago i thought that I had some fertile eggs when I cracked some to look at them but I thought I was being crazy. Since I saw that this morning I cracked some more eggs open to see if they are fertile. None are completely obvious but I think I see bullseyes on two of them. I just wanted to know if you guys thought they are fertile too.
I think the first two are fertile.
First One

First one zoomed

Second One

Second one zoomed

Third and fourth one (These are the ones I don't think are fertile)

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The pics don't display...but if they are fertile you will see a close to purfect white circle sourrounded by a fainter white ring, resembling a bullseye (blastoderm). Infertile eggs are eggs with a mishapen white blastodisc. Hope I helped, egg fertility can be confusing...
I redid the pictures. I think you should be able to see them now.
I just wanted a second opinion on them.
Thanks for letting me know that the pictures didn't work!
The bullseye isn't always easy to see, but a blastodisc is much smaller than a blastoderm. I'll throw a pic up for you.
Great news! And thank you for commenting about the yolk, they do have a I would say medium feild that used to part of the horse's pasture to roam with lots of grass variety! :D
Great news! And thank you for commenting about the yolk, they do have a I would say medium feild that used to part of the horse's pasture to roam with lots of grass variety! :D

You can tell! Mine free range all day, but the grass and quality of where we are right now is poor and they have decent coloring, but not even close to yours.

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