Are these leghorns?


6 Years
Mar 29, 2014
I have eight 3.5 week old chicks. I bought them from TSC when they were a day old. I was told the 2 white ones were leghorns they had a separate brooder with meat chicks in it and I'm curious if they had their chicks mixed up since these 2 white ones are larger than the rest. Please help me if you can. Thank you!!






One of them is more feathered and the other is kinda blotchy feathered.
I can get more pics if needed. Thank you again!!
I just picked up some chicks from someone who didnt want them anymore. She got hers from tsc. I assumed the white ones I got were leg horns as well but mine have greenish legs. What color legs does yours have
Hard to tell at this age, the legs look too thin for them to be Cornish X, I think you'd be seeing the fat on them by now. They could be Leghorns, or maybe White Rocks. Watch for a long tail.
White rocks are just like barred rocks but no barring. They are dual purpose meaning they lay pretty well and get big enough to use for meat.

I really doubt that's what they are, though. At least around here, they stock hybrid layers, assorted bantams, and a straight run bin of some "special breed" for the week. I've never seen white rocks there. They do stock the Cornish X meat birds but you definitely don't have those.
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Yeah, more likely leghorns than rocks. They should be growing long tails in a few weeks and you'll be sure.
Ok so I am convinced one of these is a meat bird. It has gotten twice the size if my other 5 week old chicks. It's so fat it only walks a few steps before it lays down again. Seems to have trouble breathing too. It honestly seems to be growing faster than it can feather. :(. I'm still holding out hope my other white one is a leghorn. It doesn't seem to be in as much distress as the other one. But it is also pretty large.


The first is the one I think is a meat bird.

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