Are these three all roosters? Two 4 week old Pekin Bantams and one Serama


In the Brooder
Apr 17, 2020
Hi everyone - long time chicken keeper, first time chick mama!

Wondering if anyone can take a guess at the gender of these three chicks. Up until a few days ago I was convinced the black pekin was a pullet and the white pekin was a roo - black pekin was by far the most timid and had a more pullet posture, while white pekin was the bully, had a more upright posture and I have even caught him/her doing this odd thing where he/she extends her neck upwards with her beak wide open as if doing a silent crow.

Alll of a sudden black pekin has sprouted this headgear while white pekin still has none. Everything about white still makes me think late developing rooster though, so would love to hear the opinions of some more experienced chicken people :)

I have nothing to compare the serama to (it's my first) and surprisingly few serama chick photos on the web, so not sure if this amount of headgear at four weeks is pullet or roo looking. It does awfully love to chirp away all day, and you can see in my photos it has a smidge of red at the top back of it's beak which I'm not sure is another indicator of a roo?

Got a sneaking suspicion I've got three cockerels - let me know your thoughts and thanks for your help :)

I agree, based on how red the (tiny) wattles are on the white cochin (photo 1) and the serama (last 2 photos), and the comb + wattles of the black cochin.
Yes think I will have to steel myself for this outcome 😂 thanks for providing a much needed second opinion
Age? Without knowing age, I can't say anything with confidence about the white chick. I do agree that the red wattles (though small) don't look good. Your blue Cochin is definitely a cockerel. Your Serama also looks like a cockerel.

*Edited because I'm not sure what the heck happened to my original post. Phone had a stroke.*
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Hi everyone - these guys are now just over 6 weeks old. I think it's pretty clear the black pekin and serama are roos, but leaning towards pullet for the white pekin, unless it's a very late developing boy. Still doesn't seem to have much comb or wattle growth - do other people agree?

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