Are we cold?


9 Years
Jul 13, 2010
It's 96 degrees here in sunny NY, 87 of which are in my house. These guys are 1 week old mixed bantams. I checked on them an hour ago and every one was spread out as thin as they could get and panting heavily. I raised the heat lamp as high as it would go and came back half an hour later with no change. I turned off the lamp and now they look like this. Are they too cold? We're all sitting around as naked as decency allows parked in front of fans. My boyfriend can tell me to turn the fan down, but as far as I can tell chickens don't have lips. Observations?


They do not look cold. If they were cold, they would be bunched together for warmth. If they are moving around, not panting etc. they are not too hot. Good luck with this heat, I know it is hard.
Thanks for the quick response! They're spread out along the length of the brooder now and happy chirping, so I'm positive you're right. I'd just hate to have to explain to the family that I some how let the chicks freeze in this heat.
Maybe my brain is just baked.

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