Are you happy with your poop board?

Here's a pic of mine. Iirc, it's about 16" wide and about 8 inches below the roost.

Love this idea. How much of a pain is it to clean out in winter? We live near Chicago so winters can get pretty brutal and I am wondering about how difficult this would be. How often do you change "the litter"?
If you are using Sweet PDZ then you don't change the litter....You just add more when it starts getting low....Mine coop has 75lbs in it....Every morning when I open the coop to let them out i clean the poop using a kitty litter shovel....takes less then 2 minutes....As for winter....I live in PA and this is my first year using it so we'll see....But so far I love it....Makes cleaning quick and easy with no ammonia smell at all
DIRTY POOP BOARD PHOTO! (sorry, I have a case of Lazy today!

My board sits about 10 inches below the roost and is just a piece of stained plywood. I have used Sweet PDZ and StallDry, but prefer Sweet PDZ because it creates much less dust when being sifted.
I add more as needed, and it never takes much to top it off. One bag stretches pretty far because it isn't a large board.
Less than five minutes, a kitty litter scoop and a bucket is all it takes. All waste goes right into the compost piles.

They don't scratch around in it, they don't eat it (even if they did try it, it won't harm them) and it knocks odor out before it starts! Even with a dirty board, the only thing that stinks around here is the dirt in the run.
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Thank you! Thank you! You guys are wonderful. The pictures and advice are all great. I think I may adjust to a sand or sweet PDZ litter system after seeing these. It looks easier than what I currently have.
Of all the additions I installed into my coop after coming onto this site the poop board has been the best hands down!

My coop is a salvage 4'x8' foot print; about 6'high metal shed. I mounted two 2x4 on either side of the shed 2' up from my nest boxes (milk crates) about 2' long notched to accomadate two 2x4 roost wide side up about 4 feet long. On the underside of the two mounted 2x4 I mounted 2 hockey stick handles to hold a piece of veneer which was assigned to be my poop board. I later friction fit the veneer with a piece of vinyl flooring.

Clean up is a breeze pop out the vinyl flooring scape it off pop it back in.

Easy Peasy!

As an added bonus my poop board catches any eggs laid through the night (which saves the day). My poop board is only 3½ inches from my roost.

Works great for me.

This is great! I love your creativity. The hockey sticks are a great idea.
Some nice poop boards!

My poop board is 84" x 36" with two roosts above it (one about 12" above and the other a foot back about 24" above). On the poop board I have 3 galvanized pans with Sweet PDZ. I use a kitty litter scoop and clean the Sweet PDZ about every 3rd or 4th day.

This pic was taken the day I put my girls in their coop for the first time....that's why it looks so clean.

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