Are Your Cuckoo Marans' Laying During Winter? - UPDATE


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 10, 2012
Monroe, Washington
My CM is the only one of 6 hens (all of different breeds) that has completely stopped laying in winter. Her comb is pale, not bright red like when she was laying, but otherwise seems happy and healthy. I know some hens stop laying when daylight decreases, but since she is the only one that stopped completely, I thought I would poll the experts!


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Every bird is different, but my CM is one of my best layers, laying just about every day. She was also the first one to lay (on December 1-- 19 1/2 weeks on the dot). However, I do have a light in the coop, so they get a few hours of supplemental light in the evening (no more than 2). She's not the "sweetest" of my 5 hens, but she produces!

I'm not a seasoned expert, this being my first flock, but a pale comb would worry me. Have you checked her for parasites/worms?
What are you feeding? Maybe up the protein? Is there plenty of supplemental calcium (oyster shell? yogurt?).
Same here. Mine stopped laying months ago.

My CM is the only one of 6 hens (all of different breeds) that has completely stopped laying in winter. Her comb is pale, not bright red like when she was laying, but otherwise seems happy and healthy. I know some hens stop laying when daylight decreases, but since she is the only one that stopped completely, I thought I would poll the experts!


Thanks for the reply you guys,

I was going to take in a sample for he vet to check out just to rule out anything big. They've been on Scratch and Peck layer and when it's gonna be cold (well, for here anyway) I give them a little scratch before bed. She eats and drinks and,except for the pale comb and wattles, looks good.

If the doc finds anything in the poo sample i'll pass it on.

Thanks again!

mine stopped laying for the winter. they also slow in the summer months when it's hot. although I did just get my first eggs of this year today!
Great idea! That's just what I'd do, to be on the safe side. (I tend to be a worrier- Many times, needlessly so.) Keep us posted!
Good Luck, Gertie!

Thanks for the reply you guys,

I was going to take in a sample for he vet to check out just to rule out anything big. They've been on Scratch and Peck layer and when it's gonna be cold (well, for here anyway) I give them a little scratch before bed. She eats and drinks and,except for the pale comb and wattles, looks good.

If the doc finds anything in the poo sample i'll pass it on.

Thanks again!

It is the second year for these birds so we were told. They look young but bought from a person down the road. They are not laying and they have the best of care. Clean living conditions, all the water and food they want, scratch/oyster shells etc...

It is Feb. 23rd and no eggs from them. I have a light on timer from 6am to 8pm. What do you think is keeping them from laying?

well, i only have experience with 1 CM and she is a pretty poor layer. and when she moults, you can't even really tell she's moulting cuz she looses very little feathers. and when she does moult, she takes about 3 months off of laying. when she DOES lay, she lays about 4 eggs a week. she's going to be turning 2 this april and her eggs are just now starting to get a tad bigger. but she is a layer of a medium sized egg. however, she is SUCH a sweetheart and loves me SO much, that she has a free ride through her life....and she gets to live to a ripe old age. her name is Cricket and she's an awesome pet!
Come to think of it CHKINUT, mine might be molting. It's our first flock and I haven't seen a molt before, but she was losing some feathers a few weeks ago, but not a ton like I was expecting. Gertrude is also the sweetest hen! If I go sit in the chair down in their run, she always comes running over and jumps up in my lap for a preening session. Too funny. Thanks for the input.

yes, i had chickens as a it had been quite some time since i had had chickens....(i've had my girls for a couple yrs now, and i'm 43). and when my small flock had their 1st moult, i was expecting half-bald girls running around. but no.....after consulting some BYC friends, come to find out you can have hens that do a "slow moult" where you WILL find feathers lying around, but not very many. so i learned that moulting can take a couple different forms. have fun with her! sounds like she's a sweety too!!! i joked with Cricket today, i actually caught her in the nest box as i went out to check for eggs. and i said "oh cricket, you're layin' an egg! i wont bother you! sure is strange to see you in a nest box!"'s a rare occasion sometimes, cuz she just came off of a LONG moult a couple weeks ago. i'm sure she's heard me say to my husband "i don't care if she EVER lays another egg....she's a keeper and can live as long as she has in her chicken life".....she musta heard me and is therefore being a slacker....cuz she CAN! lol! sweet lil' hen!
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