Arizona Chicken Breeders/Sellers: need your info

Hi all, Im Yolanda. Here in phoenix, Az near the I17 & Thomas. I would like to be added to this list. I am not where i want to be yet but do have ducks (indian runner, muscovy, ancona) and chickens mulpt breeds) have 38 in the incubator.. Some pure breed some mixed. Eggs for wating or hatching, acutal chickens/ducks. I can always take any unwanted poultry (no roos). Have lots of good people that have lots of rare breeds so trying to get my breeder pens going. Modest yard (6700sq ft) all free ranged, coop only at night. My email is [email protected] , my facebook No business page yet, still lowkey. I am in loads of chicken groups etc on facebook.
Farm Name: None yet (either Robertson Ranch or RR Farms)
Contact Info: [email protected]
Breeds: Aloha, silkies, wyandottes, EE, barred rock/EE
Comments: Always hatching. (In the bator right now; pure wheaten, and blue americana (dad was an EE), houndan, cochin (not bantam), andalusian, marans, tolbunt polish mixes, rir mixes, EE mixes other breeds as well. Indian runner, muscovy, ancona. Coturnix Quail. PM me for other eggs etc. Working on breeding pens. Will have more distinct breeds by spring at the latest. Working on lion head rabbits, rex rabbit is pregnant. Also working on colors with my ducks.

Would you like to be listed on my blog? Yes
Sorry i have my info in the wrong format.
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I also live in Phoenix, AZ and I didn't have much luck finding chicks locally besides what the feed stores carry so I ordered some off of MyPetChicken and ChickenScratchPoultry. The only bad thing with ordering chicks is that you have a minimum amount of chicks that you have to order. Right now I have some I want to get rid of with a batch of Lavender Orpingtons coming that I also need to sell the extras of.

Can you pm me please im interesred in some lavendar orps. What breed were the ones you ordered?
I have new Blue Australorp chicks hatching out now, if anyone might be interested in this breed. These all are the blue ones, not the black ones.

Any more blue australorp chicks.? Im not sure if you wrre who had posted about trying to get breeders going. Im trying to get in on that. Maybe even have a good friend of mine get on board as well.
In case anyone in the Phoenix area is interested in breeding for the Blue Australorps, I still have 6 three week old chicks still available. They are active and developing well, plus eating and drinking good. I still have them in a brooder in the house, but I no longer have a heat lamp on them. There are 2 pullets, and 4 cockerels. I want the pullets to be sold to someone who will also take a cockerel. If you are interested in breeding them, then send me a pm here.
I'm not a wizard on chicken breeding - but know a bit about genetics - would you want to breed a roo to his sister? You wouldn't want 2 chicks from the same brood would you?
I'm not a wizard on chicken breeding - but know a bit about genetics - would you want to breed a roo to his sister? You wouldn't want 2 chicks from the same brood would you?

If you were talking to me, these can be bred to the Black Australorps in the future when grown out to have the chicks come out 50% Blacks, and 50% Blues.
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